Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1301: There are many photos of Yan Yan

Chapter 1301: Many Yan Yan Pictures

Morusi really bought a lot of breakfast, which is authentic here.

Yan Su has always believed in his taste for food. After breaking up for so long, he is as particular about food as ever.

The oil cakes are full of rich green onion flowers, the meat in Xiaolongbao is succulent, and the stuffing inside the bun is still fresh shrimp.

"It's really delicious," Yan Jin almost even eaten her tongue. "Xi Si, the breakfast you bought is really delicious."

Molucy lifted his head digging into his head for breakfast. "Little guy, be polite, you should call my brother, believe it or not, I won't buy it for you next time."

Yan Jin looked at him unhappy, thinking that he didn't even know he was a father. He was really worried about IQ. He unknowingly shook his head and shook his head.

Molucy's face was black. "What's your sigh."

"Do you want to be a father," Yan Jin asked with a smile.

The words had just exited, and Yan Su and Moluci brushed their eyes together, but the former was nervous and the latter was blue.

Molucy was irritable. What does this little guy mean now, suggesting that if he wants to be with Yan Su, he must be ready to be a cheap dad.

"Eat yours," Yan Su stuffed the onion cake in his mouth, "I will take you back to Dad after eating."

Molucy frowned. "Aren't you going back to Hangzhou in the afternoon?"

"Well, but my dad asked me to eat at noon," Yan Su said helplessly, "it will have to pass after a while."

Molucy was silent, but not in a hurry. After another week, he and Lausanne and others would go to Hangzhou to watch her match.

"Xi Xi, add a WeChat," Yan Jin pulled out a cell phone from her schoolbag. "I will always contact you later."

"You use your cell phone at such a young age?" Yan Su sighed, really convinced her parents, how to manage it normally.

"I just use it to contact you. I usually do n’t use my phone to play games. Some people who play games now have good results." Yan Jin opened his WeChat. A lot of things."

Molucy: "..."

Whoever wants to know about you is a passionate stinky kid.

However, he can still learn more about Yan Su, Mo Lu Xixi reluctantly enters Yan Jin's number, and the nickname is: the most handsome little Jin Jin invincible in the universe.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Contact often," Yan Jin smiled particularly cunningly.

Molucy: "..."

Yan Su: "..."

Suddenly she regretted telling Jin Jin about it last night.


After eating breakfast, Yan Su went to wash her hair, and Mo Lu Xi accompanied Yan Jin to sit next to the TV show and watch Pig Page.

Yan Jin looked at Moluci for a while. Moluci started to ignore it, and later he couldn't bear it, especially when he felt that Yan Jin's eyes looked like he was looking at a stupid person. "What on earth do you want to say? "

"I think you can go and see my circle of friends, there are many pictures of Yan Yan," Yan Jin said.

"Yan Yan?" Moriusi heard a frown and could pinch a fly, "Yan Su's daughter?"

"Well, it's so cute," Yan Jin tilted her head. "It's really annoying. If my sister were to marry you in the future, Yan Yan wouldn't have been renamed Mo Yan."

Molucy twitched his lips sarcastically, "You think too much."

It's not how your daughter believes in herself.

Yan Jin opened her mouth, and Molucy swept over with cold eyes, "Don't talk to me, I'll be quiet for a while."

Yan Jin silently uttered two words: stupid.

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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