Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1303: Why is my lawyer An Lan?

Chapter 1303 How Is My Lawyer An Lan?

Yan Su was disappointed. The first time she cooperated with Ye Yunyang was quite good. The two also exchanged a lot on music. The old man let him learn a lot, but he did n’t think he was right after half a year. "The press will contact him, and see what he says then."

"Now ... don't you explain?" Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows.

"Just say a word. The clear one clears himself and makes every effort to prepare for the war," Yan Su said.

Jiaojiao looked at her expression, worried, "You can calm down, this group of unscrupulous media put this kind of news at this time, it is to disturb your heart and distract you."

"If I'm eliminated tomorrow, or my ranking is dropped, others will be more gloated, and will say retribution, so I can't lose," Yan Su said with a firm eye. "Tomorrow, we must enter the top three, I want to take Give full play. "

She turned and continued to study music with the team.

Jiao Jiao stared at her back with complex mood, remembering that she had previously said to Yan that Yan Su was weed. Don't look at her soft and docile appearance, but in fact her heart is stronger than anyone.

However, female entertainers in the entertainment industry must have this kind of courage.

That night, Yan Su posted a profile of her hard rehearsal on Weibo, accompanied by the text: The Qing self-cleared, and did her best to prepare for the battle.

She responded in this way. Some netizens cheered for her, while others continued to scold online.


On the afternoon of the following day, a reporter posted a text interviewing Ye Yunyang after the Beijing conference.

Reporter: Yan Su has become popular recently. You have worked with her. What's your impression of her?

Ye Yunyang: A very powerful singer.

Reporter: That's all, do you want to cooperate with her again? What do you think of her?

Ye Yunyang smiled and didn't answer.

Reporter: I just watched you have zero communication in front of you.

Ye Yunyang: A lot has happened in the past six months.

Reporter: Are you talking about Yan Su's popularity?

Ye Yunyang smiled and remained silent.

As soon as this interview came out, the evidence of Yan Su's bad character immediately became even hotter.

After watching Jiao Jiao, she yelled angrily in the TV lounge: "What does this Ye Yunyang mean? It's so ambiguous, it's not to imply that others say that you have become popular, don't want to cooperate with you, and think your character is bad ."

"This is his cleverness. The whole text didn't say that I was bad, but pushed me into the fire pit, and after that you couldn't even accuse him," Yan Su laughed bitterly. "Looking for Xiangjie, Look for a lawyer for me. I want to sue the big Vs who have tarnished my reputation. Remember to publicly announce the lawyer's statement. The reporter wants to interview me and I will say it after the game is over. "


In the afternoon, Xiang Wan sent a statement on Weibo for her.

The statement letter was issued by Xiacheng Zhenhai Law Firm.

The issuer was An Lan.

Yan Su stunned after seeing it and called Xiang Wan, "Why is my lawyer An Lan?"

"Isn't this okay," Xiang Wan said. "As you become more and more popular in the future, you will encounter various lawsuits. You need a good lawyer. At present, Zhenhai Law Office is the most popular in Xiacheng. OK, An Lan is the top of the firm. Because of Xu Zhengxuan's case, she has become a domestic gold lawyer in the past two years. In fact, this is just a small lawsuit. I did n’t expect that she would pick you up in person. And she will be responsible for all your cases in the future. "

"I see. I will thank her personally at that time," Yan Su put down her cell phone, thinking that An Lan might be willing to take her case because of An Ning.

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(End of this chapter)

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