Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1312: Professor Jiang looks so handsome ... Ahhh

Chapter 1312 Professor Jiang Looks Sven Cool ... Ahh

Molucy frowned. "The woman's conversation is really boring. Can you say something nutritious?"

Lausanne glared at him. "Why are our words no longer nutritious? If you have the skill, you can have a nutritious look."

Molouxi listened to his eyebrows and locked his eyes on Yan Su with deep eyes, which made Yan Su's heart beat up, lest he say something outrageous. As a result, Moluci's thin lips squirmed slightly and said, "Red Scarves don't suit you. They don't look good. "

Yan Su: "..."

Lausanne slammed his forehead in his hand.

Molucy ducked his head calmly.

Suddenly Mo Jin looked worried. She was n’t sure if she could be a mother-in-law. The son did n’t care. She had to smile and greet herself. “Susu, I have n’t seen you for a while. I did n’t find a boyfriend. I like it. People? "

"No ..." Suddenly Mo Jin was so enthusiastic, Yan Su cringed, "Auntie, come in now, don't stand outside, it's cold."

"A sensible girl," Mo Jin applauded.

A group of people entered the box, Yan Su held the menu and said, "You order, I will cook this meal."

"No, I'm out," Nian Junting said faintly. "It's all my family here. It doesn't make sense to you."

"That's right," Mo Jin nodded quickly. "It's not easy for you to make a few dollars. Let them solve it by themselves. None of them is short of money."

"Let's go out," Molucy suddenly said.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment. Lausanne usually didn't know how stingy he was to others, but he was still puzzled, "How come I suddenly thought of paying the bill today."

Morusi said quietly: "The first time our family went out for a tour, it felt very significant, and just made some money a few days ago."

Lausanne was moved, and Xu Zheng almost burst into tears. After all, for the first time, I heard the indifferent son say such cold and hot words, "Ajin, look at our son when he grows up and is sensible."

Mo Jin sneered, knowing cold and hot ass.

Not for someone.

"Okay, since you are very happy to have this awareness of being a mother, you don't have to be polite tonight, just pick the most expensive one," Mo Jin said. Abalone Dongpo Beef ... "

Morius's mouth twitched, and she was really unambiguous.

After the dishes came up, Nian Xi introduced Jiang Yongning, "This is my boyfriend Jiang Yining."

Yan Suchao Jiang Mining smiled, "Professor Jiang looks really handsome ... Ahhhh ..."

Before she finished speaking, she was stomped under her foot.

She turned to look at the creator of the figure, Moluci.

"Look at me, smoke?" Moliusi looked innocent.

Yan Su couldn't hold her accountable in front of so many people, so she had to endure pulling her feet out and politely stepping back, she just hated that she didn't wear high heels today.

Moulixi eats food without expression.

Yan Su had to continue to laugh: "When are Nian Xi and Professor Jiang planning to get married?"

Jiang Yining stopped chopsticks, and glanced at Nian Xi, "anytime."

Nian Xi coughed, which made her answer, "I think it should be you who are in front of me, you see Sang Sang got the bouquet on the day of his wedding."

"This kind of thing is not very credible," Yan Su said indifferently.

"Not necessarily," Nian Xi raised an eyebrow. "That day, I almost didn't get it, but somehow fell into your arms. I think this is God's plan."

Fifth more. . Tomorrow continues.

(End of this chapter)

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