Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1324: I do n’t know if An Ning was drunk to Lucy ...

Chapter 1324: I Do n’t Know If An Ning Is Drunk To The Ryusi ...

Is it because she sent herself the kind of photos that made Molucy so angry?

An Lan said with a helpless sigh, "When it comes to her, I have a big head. You do n’t know. My parents asked me to intercede with President Nian last year. Tell me it was my sister who was drunk when they were drunk, and he was right ... Mullius ... "

"What did you say?" Yan Su's eyes widened in shock.

An Lan was a little embarrassed and nervous. "That ... you should know about the two of them, otherwise they won't break up. I heard that my sister sent you that kind of photo."

"I know," Yan Su nodded, "but I don't know if An Ning was drunk with that to Luci ..."

And how could it be so coincident that he was drunk and slept Molucy, wasn't An Ning the same?

This sounds strange.

It is impossible to come twice for the same thing.

Yan Su thought for a while and asked suspiciously, "When did you fall asleep?"

"I don't know much about this," An Lan thought of Molousi's character, afraid of what he said wrong, and said quickly, "Actually ... I feel like Molousi really likes you. When I met him at Nian ’s house, he was listless. He and An Ning, I ca n’t see that he likes An Ning a little. Later, An Ning mentioned that he was afraid, maybe there was something he did n’t know. ”

Yan Su fell into her own thoughts.

At that time, she did not think how much Moulixi liked An Ning, but An Ning was more entangled. Later, she learned that An Ning and Mo Luxi fell asleep. She thought that Mo Luxi was like a superficial affectionate and private person. Sleeping men, after all, there are too many such men now, saying that **** and love are separated.

But An Lan's words made her seem to grab something, and she always felt that something was wrong. "Answer An, haven't An Ning fallen in the future?"

"Yeah," An Lan smiled bitterly. "I hope she can go out and suffer, and change her face, and reflect on how much she has done wrong, but the girl has not suffered, and her character is getting weirder. I'm afraid she will be wrong. Deeper. "

"She is already an adult, so she has to learn to face the choices she makes," Yan Su also understands the mood of such a disobedient younger sister.

"This seems to be a bit far away," An Lan glanced at the documents and smiled. "I forgot to say the business. If we use these documents, we really have no chance. The best way is to use yourself in court. It ’s proved to be stronger than Ye Yunyang, proving that if this song is not for you, Ye Yunyang would never write such a good song. "

Yan Su's eyes brightened. "This is a breakthrough."

An Lan nodded. "I hope that the judge in charge of the judgment will not be Xu Bohan. The guy who is famous will not be changed."

Yan Su wondered.

"Well, every time our law firm meets him, he loses," An Lan got up with a bitter smile. "It's getting late, I'll wait for the client later, so I won't disturb you."

"Trouble you," Yan Su shook hands with her, and sent her away, thinking of what An Lan said, the more she thought the more wrong.

He simply gave a call to Molucy. "I just saw An Lan. She told me about you and An Ning."

Mo Lu Xixi just answered the phone and the heart filled with joy instantly died, shouldn't An Lan say something, although he wanted to confess to her at that time, but he was not completely prepared.

Fifth more, the truth is coming

(End of this chapter)

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