Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1326: Child is yours

Chapter 1326: The Child Is Yours

She couldn't think of just that many things would happen because she had fled.

Who gave that face to An Ning is so shameless.

What made her speechless was that she and Moliusi were caught by An Ning in the palm of her hand.

"That ... Lucy ... Actually, I haven't told you something," Yan Su said a little tremblingly.

"What's the matter?" Moriusi was cold, "Don't tell me you're breaking up with me again, you have to go back to the bitch."


Yan Su was snored by his sinister tone. "That's not true. Let's make an appointment in advance. I can tell you you can't beat me or bully me."

Molucy had a bad hunch in her heart, "Don't tell me you're pregnant again."

"No, can't you always think about something about my red apricot," Yan Su said silently.

"Because you've been out of the wall," Molucy said fiercely.

"I do not have."

"Where did the child come from, did the stone jump out of the crack in the stone?" Moliussi jumped abruptly when he mentioned this.

"I want to tell you about the child's father ..."

"I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen," Molucy hung up.

Yan Su twitched at the corner of the phone, and dialed again.

Just this time the phone was connected, Yan Su said directly, "Can you wait for me to hang up, the child is yours."

After saying this, she had signs that Tian Lei would fall.

"Yan Su, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard," Molucy sneered, sneering angrily, "Did I even let you get pregnant at your door? I'm not strong enough yet Plant it. "

Yan Su's face was hot. "Actually ... that night ... it wasn't An Ning and yours ... it was me ..."


Moriusi was silent for more than ten seconds before he re-opened. "Yan Su, don't talk nonsense, don't you just want me to accept your child, can you use this method?"

Really, if it was her that night, he must have strangled her to death.

"I didn't," Yan Su's tense breathing was rapid. "It's me. I drank too much that night. When I woke up, I lay in bed with you. I was terrified, then I packed up and ... ran away, I I really did n’t understand An Ning was on your bed. I asked so carefully just now. I just felt strange and wanted to ask clearly. "

"Impossible," Molucy interrupted fiercely. "How could this happen?"

This is not to pit people into the dead.

"I didn't expect it," Yan Su murmured. "At that time, we didn't look at each other's eyes. You were always mean to me, and even the little red envelope from Sang Sang's marriage was taken away from me. I thought if When you saw me in the morning, I could n’t even choke me. I was scared and ran away. I still have the impression that I hit you in the toilet that night. I just rushed up and kissed you ... you still remember us the next day. Did I see that you were guilty when you met at the door ... "

"Yan Su ..." Morius's roar hurt.

He didn't say these things just now, but Yan Su was able to know that it was probably her.

He thought that it wasn't An Ning that night, maybe other classmates drinking in the box, but he never thought it was Yan Su.

"Yan Su, how can you do this kind of thing," Moluci was so anxious to strip her alive. "You have the ability to throw me down but you haven't the ability to admit it. What's your name? No sense of responsibility. "

Second more. . Hum, I finally gave you the truth

(End of this chapter)

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