Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1330: I'm Xiaojin

Chapter 1330 I Am Xiao Jin's Fuck

After the sports car drove out of the villa, Molucy slowly stopped the car along the road.

Then found Yan Jin's WeChat and released all his blocked friends.

Before, he didn't understand why the boy made himself pay more attention to his circle of friends, and even sent him some inexplicable children to educate him. Now he finally understands that the boy has a deep intention, and has been hinting to himself, why he just realized now.

How many opportunities did he miss to learn the truth.

His hands trembled slightly, not knowing what his daughter was looking for.

After opening, Yan Jin took a lot of photos of him and Yan Yan.

The baby inside was wearing a pink cotton jacket and an orange bear hat. His eyes were watery and bright, his eyelashes were long, his cheeks were fleshy, his skin was as white as water tofu, and it was sweet when he laughed.

Is this his girl?

It really looks a bit like myself.

Looking forward, it is a picture of the baby in summer. He is lying on a mat in shorts and shorts, and **** his finger, and sleeps like a cute pig.

How could it be Shixu's daughter, Shixu could have such a beautiful daughter.

Molucy's mood was very complicated. When he first learned that he was a dad, he was really scared. He grew up in a single parent family. He did n’t expect such things as children, plus he himself Still in college, I never thought I would be a dad at such a young age.

I used to think I was at least 30 or 40 years old as a dad.

But now I find that I don't dislike myself, especially girls, who are very charming and eager to play in their palms.

It's a pity that he missed the stage of the child's birth. This is all because of An Ning's bitch. No wonder she escaped, but that's okay. She escaped to the ends of the earth and killed her.

After the daughter's photo was licked, Mo Lu Xi sent a WeChat to Yan Jin: Xiao Jin, I haven't contacted for a long time. My brother happened to come to Jiangxi to do something. May I invite you out to eat delicious food? "

After about three minutes, the message came back: Who are you?

Molucy replied:? ? ?

The invincible and handsome Xiao Jin: I'm Xiao Jin's fuck.

Molucy shook his hand while shaking his phone. Isn't this the future mother-in-law?

He was totally at a loss without any precaution, how to reply, if it was the child's father, would he scare her to death or be scolded to death.

The universe is invincible and handsome Xiaojin: Although I do n’t know who you are, you send this kind of message, and you behave like a liar. As a child ’s mother, I do n’t know you at all, and I wo n’t let my child contact you. , I warn you, stay away from my son in the future, children are simple and do not understand anything.

Moliusi was speechless. Is your son the ghost-elf that most people can cheat? He thought about it and explained: I'm Yan Su's friend, not a liar, auntie, come to visit you when I have time.

The invincible and handsome Xiaojin of the universe: Oh, now the idea of ​​pursuing my daughter hits my son. It is really unscrupulous. Are you a black fan or a rich second-generation suitor, I warn you that you will be far away from my daughter and son in the future. Point, otherwise I will call the police.

Molucy: No, auntie, you misunderstood ...

However, the system prompts that the message cannot be sent because it has been deleted by the other party.

Molucy: "..."

He also wanted to ask them where they lived in Jiangxi. He was going to visit in person, thanking her for the kindness of her daughter.

First more.

(End of this chapter)

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