Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1336: Mo Daoxue, a woman named Yan Su

Chapter 1336 Mo Dao Missing A Woman Called Yan Su

"They didn't dare to say it, but they didn't know my identity," Molucy said lazily. "You want to hide me like this, wouldn't you want to be with that Wu Yaoyu?"

Yan Su's eyes could be described with incredible thoughts, "Can you have a little trust in me? If you look good, you have to doubt it."

Suddenly she was a little angry, and Moliucius stunned for a while, somehow, "Why are you doing such a big fire? What's wrong with me?"

"Because you have scolded me before, do you not remember it yourself? You said that I was so dirty and cheap, and even asked me to take off my clothes for a check," Yan Su said, and those eyes were red. I forgot that I was so big that I had never been scolded or humiliated like this. "

"Isn't that ... because you and Shixu went out to spend the night," Molusi watched as she was about to cry, and her heart softened and panicked. "Well, it's all my fault, I I just care about you too much, and what I said just now intentionally with jealousy, ca n’t you hear it, how could you possibly have anything with him, that Wu Yaoyu is not as handsome as I am, young, I have no talent, you are Blindness makes me feel good. "

Yan Su made him cry and want to laugh.

Molucy held her back, her forehead against her. "The girlfriend is so good-looking, always worried that other men like you, but I know that you only like me, or you will not give me a baby."

Yan Su was so embarrassed that she cried everywhere, "Go back, this is outside, after all."

Molucy nodded, let go of her, and started wearing a sweater, "Well, go back, you owe me four days and four nights,"

Yan Su stunned at the foot, thinking she had heard it wrong, "Four days ... four nights?"

"Well, you don't think so much?" Molucy raised an eyebrow, full of interest.


Yan Su really wanted to ask him a question, can you eat it for four days and four nights? When you are a puppet and a politician, they have Jiuchi Roulin, what do you have.

However, it was no longer exciting, and decided to go back and study the issue with him seriously.


More than twenty minutes into her nanny car, Molucy arrived in an apartment building near the TV station, which contained two bedrooms and a living room.

"Are you good, your new environment," Molucy looked around. "No wonder I can't find it everywhere. It turns out you didn't stay in a hotel."

"Well," Yan Su poured a glass of boiling water and stared at him on the sofa. "Luxi, let me show you a picture of your daughter."

When she heard it, Mo Lu Xi came to her spirits. She hurried to her side and took her mobile phone to see. There were many pictures of her face in her photos. She was born, she was crying, she was laughing, she was swimming. Look like. "

"This is a hundred-year-old picture that my mother took Yan Yan to take, but unfortunately I was busy and had no time to accompany her," Yan Su said sadly, "I am not a qualified mother."

Moliuxi hugged her distressedly, "I know you are trying to make milk powder money, Susu, you don't have to work so hard in the future, with me, I can take on everything you and your children, I have nothing, just Money, someone. "

Yan Su fluttered and smiled, then glanced back at him. "You are all boring. In the past six months, Mo Dao should not be short of women."

"Mo Dao lacks a woman named Yan Su," Mo Liuxi hugged her directly to her lap, staring deeply at her, "Did you feel it?"

Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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