Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1338: Everything in front of him is a long wait and a long wait

Chapter 1338 Everything In Front Of Him Is He Who Has Been Waiting For A Long Time

He really didn't know that her face was so fierce.

Did you finally release yourself?

Four days and four nights may already be the epipolar line, five days to come, will you be wasted?

"Why don't you talk," Yan Su said with an innocent look. "Or do you think I'm sending too few days, is it six days?"


Molucy was completely stunned. "No, I ... I'm afraid you can't afford it. Are you sure you want to be so fierce?"

"I don't want to," Yan Su sighed helplessly, "but if you think about it, it seems that there is not much difference between four days and six days."

Morius was slightly stiff. How could there be no difference? Is it a big difference? "I think it's better today, it's better to hit another day ..."

"Luxi, are you afraid," Yan Su suddenly poked at his chest with a smile, "you are afraid you can't carry it for six days, so you dare not agree."

"Who said it," Molucy stared.

"Is that so?" Yan Su doubted.

Moluzi was finally stared at by her for the dignity of the man and promised, "Since you have said so, then I will reluctantly agree with you, I will not be able to commit it in six days, nor can I be too tired On. "

"Luxi, you are so good," Yan Su hooked his neck and took the initiative to kiss him.

Molucy was so depressed that he was going to die. He never knew that Yan Su was so fierce. Did he accidentally release the beast inside of her? Try not to mention it. What if he really comes, what should he do first, and honestly he is not necessarily for four days, after all, he has not practiced except that night.

"Luxi, you are not attentive," Yan Suzhuan noticed the complicated expression on his face, forced to laugh, held up his handsome face and said softly.

"No ..." Molucy hurried up his mind, no matter what it was, but everything in front of him was waiting for a long time.

"Susu ..." Moriusi murmured and lowered his head and kissed hard.

God knows how long he has waited for this moment. Before thinking about her for the first time, he did n’t dare to act arrogantly. He wanted to cherish it. At the moment when he learned the truth, he realized that the night that made him dare not think about it was her Just around me.

It turned out that she was not only attracted by her people, but also by her body earlier.

It turned out that he was not a man who could be hooked casually by other women, all of this, just because it was her that night.

Suddenly, it seemed to be able to remember the pictures of that night intermittently, her fragrance, her breathing, her fingers ...

Yan Su was paralyzed by the whole person he kissed. Tonight's Molucy was almost warmer and wilder than that night.

His clothes were ripped off by her.

When he pulled his shirt, even the buttons were torn off.

At the critical moment, Yan Su stumbled to think, "Yes, there is no T ..."

"Aren't you a favorite collector of this kind of stuff, don't you have it at home?" Moli asked, panting west.

Yan Su's face turned red, biting her swollen lips and not talking, Moluci smiled low, picked up the clothes on the ground, and pulled out several boxes from it, "Little fool, you are ready early, you Don't worry, you don't want to get pregnant in the future, I will never let you get pregnant again. "

"Luxi ..." Yan Su fluctuated slightly.

Fifth more. . Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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