Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1340: Hidden great power

Chapter 1340 Hidden Huge Strength

Yan Su turned around and turned the dish up. She made a bowl of spicy chicken, and Moluci looked at the pot of spicy chicken and mixed feelings to see how good her physical strength was. , And can get up right away to make spicy chicken.

Obviously the skeleton is so small, the small face is so weak, but there is a huge power hidden inside, no wonder he dared to utter mad words for four days and four nights and incidentally gave him a day.

It's really going to be consumed. Even if he feels that he has consumed himself, she can continue to cook a casserole for you.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that he kept staring at him, Yan Su smiled a little embarrassed. After all, the two were so lingering last night that they were relatively shy this morning.

"Yan Su, are you ... aren't you tired," Molucy exhaled gently.

"Tired and sleepy, but I'm hungry, and I think you're hungry," Yan Su said a little later.

Molucy thought she had a meaning beyond her words. "What do you mean, do you think I'm not physically fit? I must be tired and hungry now."

"No," Yan Su heard that he wasn't very happy, remembering how he had stimulated him a few days ago, and quickly realized what was going on, and said with a sigh of sorrow, "I couldn't help but fall asleep last night. "Are you physically weak? I admire you."

Speaking of this incident, Moliussi was even more aggrieved, and his tone was very resentful, "Isn't my technique good enough to make you fall asleep."

Yan Su ignored him, and looked down at the pan and wanted to fry a vegetable.

"Yan Su, you tell me clearly," Moluci caught up and took her pot away.

As a man, he felt severely traumatized.

"Luxi, you are all boring," Yan Su looked up at him, thinking of the night last night, always felt that she couldn't face him as easily as before, and would be shy, "Did you feel it last night?"

Molucy frowned and did not speak, and now he was full of her asleep.

"It was so late yesterday. I was sleepy and tired. Can I not fall asleep? I had been preparing for the competition for a week. I did n’t sleep well and did n’t rest well. I ’m exhausted. You still have to worry about this problem. I think In the end, the results do n’t matter, as long as the process ... Is everyone happy with each other? ”Yan Su politely threw the spatula to him,“ I do n’t do it, you fry it yourself. ”

Molou Xixi held the spatula for a few seconds, and hurriedly turned her back into her arms. "I remember it, last night ... you ..."

"Don't say anything," Yan Su hammered him a few times and ran away.

Molucy smirked at the door, smiled for a while, and turned back to cooking.


At noon, I simply cooked two dishes. The two sat tightly next to each other. Molu ate vegetables and looked up at Yan Su. Yan Su was stared at him unnaturally, looking for topics, "Today is not a weekend. You Don't you go to class? "

Molouxi said for a moment, "I think of it like that. I haven't been to class recently, and I haven't asked for leave."

Yan Su glared at him silently. "This year is a junior, can you be more serious, and be careful to teach you the subject, when Yan Yan grows up and is sensible, he will say that my dad can't even finish college Business guy. "

"Don't say it," Molucy glanced at him politely, "Relax, you can both graduate, and I can certainly."

First more

(End of this chapter)

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