Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1344: There is no such blessing in the children's luck

Chapter 1344: No Blessings like Molucy

"It's okay, I will have the opportunity to dedicate in the future," although Moluci was stabbed, but still felt a wave of malicious jealousy and envy. "I was in the mood of one daughter at a time. You do n’t understand this kind of thing , I really want to thank Susu, I will definitely treat her well in this life. "

The young man with a smile on his face looked at him coldly and coldly, and his eyesight reached the highest level ever. "Why, are you planning to get married this year, have you graduated?"

"I haven't graduated, but I have reached the legal age. I have to get married next year. I will visit my future father-in-law and mother-in-law in the New Year this year. Then, share with me how to always please my future father-in-law and mother-in-law." Said in a good mood, "I remember that you were so easy to please my mother."

"Boy, are you the same as me?" Nian Junting stared at him coolly and darkly. "I was mature, stable, and successful at the time. I experienced the ups and downs with Lausanne. Will you and Yan Su experience What have you paid for her, gave her a sperm to make her daughter inexplicably pregnant, not even the child ’s father figure, and it turned out that the other party was smaller than Yan Su, a small hairy head The words "mature and steady" cannot be put on the table. If my parents, Yan Su, absolutely strangle you. "

Molucy: "..."

After seeing his solemn complexion, Junting Ting leaned into the leather chair a little better, "Let's finish, take your CD and go, I'm still busy."

"It's time to go and feel the strong malice of someone," Morius stood up with a sneer, "Yes, don't tell my family about this for the time being. I don't want to scare them. At the same time, I want to get Yan Su ’s parents for understanding and then bring Yan Yan out. If my parents knew that I had a child, they would eagerly rush to watch it, and it would be difficult for Yan Su ’s parents. ”

Jun Ting glanced at him indifferently, his lips tight.

After Mo Leuxi left, Nian Junting stood up and stroked his clean short hair with both hands.

Does God open a door for you and close a window for you?

Is he just too good, so there is no such blessing as Molucy in the children's transportation?

"Ting Ting, why did I just see that Molucy came to you, why did he come to you," Xiao Zan suddenly came into the door with a disgusted face, "this stinky boy, the more I look at him, the more unpleasant Well, look at that face. Why does a boy look so good, but he has more bad eyes? "

"You're right," Nian Junting turned around, with a rare deep compliment, "It's really not very attractive."

"Yeah, you feel it too," Xiao sighed, "It's because of him that Nuan Nuan and I haven't been reconciled until now, and I feel like I'm almost becoming a monk."

Nian Junting sneered, "Don't insult the monk. Will the monk read those books? People are sober."

Xiao wanton: "..."

This world is really full of malice.


In the afternoon, in the dubbing room, Lausanne picked up his mobile phone while he was resting and found that the average annual Ting missed eight calls.

I haven't seen him so crazy for a long time, Lausanne hurriedly called back, "Junting, is there anything important?"

"Let's go out for dinner together at night," Nian Junting said. "Every day, I'm tired of eating Sister Lan."

Sister Lan: What did I do wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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