Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1346: I'm scared

Chapter 1346: I Am Panic

"I didn't take you as a machine," Nian Junting quickly explained anxiously, "I swear, I just ... like girls ..."

He couldn't tell her that your brother has a daughter, and he was envious.

"I know you like girls, so what if the next child is a boy," Lausanne asked, "Did you give me birth until you were a girl."

Other people's homes are dedicated to giving birth to a boy and heirloom. When he arrives here, he has to be a girl. Lausanne really doesn't know what to say about him, but he thought about his promise when he said these things. Have you ever thought about it from your own perspective?

"I won't ..." Nian Junting explained, "I don't really treat you as a fertility machine."

Lausanne rubbed his eyebrows, grinning bitterly, "Jun Ting, can you think more about me, I will give you children before I graduate, how many students in the department will go out to find work after graduation, when others work hard in the workplace , I have children at home, and now I have a child, it ’s been a year and a half, but the outside world has been turned upside down. Those classmates who were not as good as me have left me behind one by one. I go out to work and have to start again. I This is just getting better, and you want me to return to the family and have children, yes, you are a man, you have a successful career, you do n’t care, it ’s enough to dedicate a sperm, but now, I feel like I ’m not just married Besides, nothing else has happened. "

Junting Ting slightly, she felt powerless in her voice, and said halfway: "Do you just want to dub, I can say hello to you ..."

"If my strength has receded, greetings can be received, but will others be satisfied," Lausanne interrupted with irritability. "If I wait until my second child is born, do you think there is still something in this circle I can get involved in? Well, this industry is moving forward every day. Don't tell me you are rich and can support me for a lifetime, but women must have their own business. "

In this day and age, once a woman becomes a housewife, you can only work hard to rely on a man. You ca n’t say that you do n’t believe in the feelings of Junting Ting, but in the eyes of a man, you may gradually become dull. And, who can guarantee future things, after all, life is so long.

"I thought you knew me," Lausanne went on. "Why do you have to give birth now, and you can't discuss it later, or if I don't have a daughter for you, it will become a puppet in your heart."

"Luo Luo, don't say that," Nian Junting didn't expect her to respond so much. "You don't want to have a baby, you don't need to be so ... excited."

"Because ... I dubbed a classic character that I liked a few days ago, and I was eliminated in the final audition," Lausanne said with a sad look. "After returning after having a child, I feel like I can't keep up. To learn again, I used to be able to remember at a glance, but now my memory is much worse. I am panicking. "

Junting Tian stopped the car and held her hand. "You never told me."

"Is it useful to say that I can't get enough skills at home and can only continue to work hard," Lausanne said bitterly, "and the pregnancy in October is really tired and hard."

"... I'm sorry," Nian Junting suddenly remembered the day she gave birth to a child, her face curled up in pain and crying.

Fourth more. .

(End of this chapter)

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