Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1370: Brought me a man back this year

Chapter 1370: Bring Me A Man Back This Year

"Good, I'll buy it for you," Molucy pulled her a glass of strawberry milk from the console.

Yan Su took two sips, which were full of strawberries, sweet.

It's still the same as before, and there is no shortage of good food with him.

The journey to Jiangxi takes eight hours, just in time for the Chinese New Year, during the peak period, the drive is slower than before.

At noon, Yan Su received a call from Yan Li, "When will the plane arrive, do I need to pick you up at the airport."

"No, I ... returned by car," Yan Su glanced at the man beside him.

"Xiacheng has been here for a long time by car. Whose car do you take? Is it delivered to the door? We are celebrating the New Year in the old house," Yan Lu reminded.

"I know, I'll be here at night," Yan Su answered nervously and guilty.


The Yan family, Yan Li turned his head and Jiang Peiying in the kitchen talked about it. Yan Jin, who was sitting on a small stool and peeling the plan, lifted her head, "Sister won't come back in the boyfriend's car."

"Don't talk nonsense," Jiang Peiying quickly glared at her, "I haven't heard that she found a boyfriend."

Yan Lu said faintly, "If she dares to bring a man back, I will break the man's leg."

Yan Jin's eyes were bright, and she was looking forward to it. He dared to bet on a dime, and her sister must have brought the man back.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the family was sitting in the living room and watching TV on the fire. Aunt Wu suddenly hurried in from outside, "Susu is back."

"Come back here, what a fuss," Yan Lü quickly stood up, but quickly raised her happy face again. "How about people, why didn't you see her come in, mention something, you didn't help her Tell me something. "

Aunt Wu glanced at his face and said, "I don't think she needs me to mention it. She came back in a man's car. The other party said it was her boyfriend. I didn't dare to let him in. you……."

Before the words were over, Yan Lu had slapped her on the table, scaring Yan Jin into swallowing the plums.

"Miscellaneous things," Yan Liqi's fierce anger, "Brought me a child back last year, and brought a man back this year, she was deliberately trying to suffocate me."

After he had spoken, he grabbed the old lady's cane and rushed out of the living room.

"Hey, Yan Li, calm down," Jiang Peiying quickly chased out, Yan Jin also pulled his leg up, dragging his calf, and humming in his mouth, "Oh, oh, I feel that life has reached a high ... tide."


Moluci drove a car for a day and was exhausted. He finally reached the door of Yan Su's house without letting in the door. He had a backache and walked out to stretch his waist.

Less than half a minute, a tall middle-aged man rushed out of it, holding a crutch in his hand, and when he saw it, the crutch shook and strode over, "Are you Yan Su's boyfriend? , OK, I do n’t know you, I do n’t hit you, Yan Su, you get out of me, see if I do n’t kill you, forget how you promised me last year, give me moths all year round, you are thinking Piss me off. "

Moliusi was startled. Although it was expected that Yan Su's father would not be easy to get along with, he didn't expect it to be so fierce that he would hit someone before he entered the house.

He quickly stepped forward to stop Yan Li, "Uncle, have something to say, Su Su is young and beautiful and not married. It is normal to find a boyfriend. Many girls are married at her age, unless she is not looking for that. Serious boyfriend. "

Tomorrow continues.

(End of this chapter)

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