Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1382: Bully her for a lifetime

Chapter 1382 Bullying Her Forever

Yan Mi hummed, "I remember the previous ones, Su Su and Ye Yunyang were in conflict, Ji Nuyi supported her on Weibo, what did you say, and often bullied us Su Su."

On hearing that, the look on Molu Xijun's face became even more spoiled. "Yeah, I plan to bully her forever."

He said so, but his eyes looked so sweet that dripping water made the people present somehow feel the illusion of show and love.

Yan Su reluctantly gave him a glance, explaining, "In fact, so many people stood up to speak to me at the time, all of them greeted people on the back, and those foreign stars were too. few people."

Jiang Peiying and Yan Lu froze. It was the first time that they heard about it. At that time, when people on the Internet were in Heiyansu, they were quite worried.

"No wonder," Uncle suddenly realized, "No wonder Honey said at the time how you even knew Hollywood stars, but he knew a lot of people."

"I used to work with several directors in Hollywood before making movies, so I knew a lot of people," Molucy said with a smile.

"Susu, okay, the boyfriend I'm looking for this time is quite capable," Wu laughed.

Aside, Jiang Peiying and Yan Lü listened to these conversations in their ears.

"Let's eat," Yan Lu said after greeting everyone, "You've been busy all morning, sit down."

"No, I'll feed Yan Yan for milk first, and I'll be here in a few moments," Molucy smiled, and went to make milk after putting the dishes.

Everyone took a look at his back, and her aunt said with emotion, "This guy is really good-looking, much more refined than your cousin's rough people. At that time, I saw that his appearance was slightly worse than his appearance. Just worrying about Su Su, do you eat and live with him? Now, good-looking men are hard to grasp. "

"Yeah," Yan Mi nodded. "Last time I read a report saying that the movie he participated in at a young age won the Golden Lion Award. Even Li Ming praised him personally internationally. How would Chinese media describe him? He is a promising director. It is said that he is still the majority shareholder of Los Angeles Film Studios. The family seems to have a background. No one dares to mess with him. Susu, if you do n’t start, you just come The fiercest, but I'm also worried. "

Yan Lü and Jiang Peiying frowned, involuntarily, nodding involuntarily, which was also their concern.

Yan Su groaned for a while but didn't care much and smiled, "Can't say that parents are handsome and rich, they can't rely on anything. You see that there are a few male stars who are deceitful in public figures. It's some crooked red dates. When you see a beautiful woman coming over, you can't hold it. On the contrary, handsome men like him who have seen the world and their strength is still stronger, say those male gods Wu Yanzu and Zhang Zhilin. They Not nice to my wife. "

The crowd froze, Jiang Peiying nodded involuntarily, "It seems to be the case."

"If the man is not reliable, then I must find a handsome guy," Yan Su said with a smile.

The ladies all felt very reasonable. Yan Mi blinked and turned to her mother and said, "Mom, I still don't want to go on a blind date with the one you introduced. I think it's ugly. I decided to find a big one. Handsome guys are boyfriends. "

"You dead girl," sulking straightly, "If you can find someone who is as handsome and capable as Molucy, I also recognize that the question is do you have this ability?"

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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