Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1407: Like ... 舅舅, don't like ... 粑粑

Chapter 1407: Like ... 舅舅, Don't Like ... 粑粑

Nian Xi was angry before he finished speaking, "Captain Chen, you are not familiar with my brother, I do n’t understand who he is, I can understand, but I tell you very clearly that our family is from a military background. My brother has been practicing in the army since he was a child. What is law compliance? He knows better than anyone. My grandma was stabbed and ill at the time. He obeyed the legal arrangements. That ’s right, he said so, and he could act Never do anything illegal. "

"Don't be excited," Captain Chen said busyly. "Isn't that just a question, we who are police can't use perceptual analysis, but rationally face all possible problems."

"I understand," Nian Xi said, "but I dare to guarantee my life, I think everything will wait for the forensic result."


Hanging up, Jiang Yongning feeding Jiang Jiang looked up, "Did the prisoner suddenly die?"

"Well," Nian Xi rubbed his temples. "This case is a bit weird. I guess it would suddenly die because of the gun."

Jiang Yanning looked blank.

"Forget it, I don't understand what I told you, eat it quickly, go to my grandma's house after eating, and go to my grandma's house at night."


The two lingered for a while, and it was 11:30 in the old house.

The three members of the annual average Ting family are already waiting.

Little Apple looked at her in a wheelchair, and her dark black eyes were worried. "Aunt, it hurts ..."

"Yeah, it hurts," Nian Xi touched his small face, "I heard that you have been taken care of by your little sister-in-law recently, is he taking care of him?"

"Uh ... awesome," Little Apple smiled, showing her pure white teeth. "I love ... 舅舅, I don't like ... 粑粑."

Nian Xi smiled, and Nian Junting's face was stinky. "Did Molucy take care of you for a week?"

"What I'm doing ... I'm so crazy," Little Apple said hehe.

Nian Xi smiled and asked Lausanne: "Sang Sang, aren't your parents still in Europe, why don't you call Lucy here, it's boring and lonely to spend the Lantern Festival at home alone."

Lausanne sighed, "I called, but he said he would go to his girlfriend's hometown to spend the Lantern Festival with her parents. I do n’t know where it is, either Hubei or Hunan. I really convinced him. I will be back on the 7th, and I will start school the day after tomorrow. Now, I have to rush back tomorrow afternoon. What I ca n’t understand most is that his girlfriend ca n’t go back to the Lantern Festival. His reputation is to be filial piety for his girlfriend. "

Nian Xi was ashamed, "Your brother has fully realized what a born son is for others, but seeing his arrogance and arrogance, I really can't see how he will be so happy with his girlfriend."

"Yeah, it's a **** of a ghost," Lausanne shrugged. "I'll have to see what his girlfriend is a magical figure with three heads and six arms."

"But it's really a good man for a woman," Nian Xi couldn't help but praise.

"Xi Xi, I'm also a good man," Jiang Mining, who has been listening to their conversation in silence, stood up unhappy. "I didn't go back for the Chinese New Year. The Lantern Festival is also with you. If you think I'm not good enough, let me add to you. Anything works. "

In short, he must be the best man in Nian Xi's heart, lest she don't want to be herself in the future.

Lausanne smiled, and Nian Xi was ashamed, saying, "Have you ever told your parents about such a thing?"

"No need, I decide for myself," Jiang Yanning said indifferently.

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(End of this chapter)

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