Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1424: A lot of small rivers

Chapter 1424

"You don't have to go to work now, isn't everything the same?" Ning Tingying's eyebrows almost twisted into a "Chuan" word, "Nian Xi, listen to me, you are not too young, this time the injury has already been My parents are worried, whether by accident or other reasons, you have too much happened recently. How can you reassure us? "

Nian Xi's irritable lip was finally helpless to look at Jiang Yongning.

Jiang Yanning bowed his head, covered his face, touched her long hair, and said in a low voice: "Xi Xi, I think ... listen to your brother this time."

"Jiang Ning ..." Nian Xi gritted his teeth.

This idiot, if she went to Nian's home, could the two do something intimate by virtue of her strict personality.

"Xi Xi, he is worried about you, too," Jiang Yanning whispered. "And the elevator problem is really not clear. I dare not let you take the elevator. It ’s boring upstairs every day. It ’s convenient for you to live in your yard there. point……."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm preventing you from doing something to cheat on the dog," Nian Junting said indifferently. "Rest assured, I admit that I won't stop it."

Nian Xi was particularly surprised to see his eyes. Is this still his brother? He used to be Jiang Yanning like a thief. He wouldn't lie to himself. "Who steals the chicken and touches the dog, we are couples and we usually hug Hug, it ’s normal. "

"I'm not talking nonsense with you, and I'm going to pack up right away, should you let me do it myself, or you?" Said Jun Junting politely.

"Come on," Jiang Yongning stood up.


Twenty minutes later, Jiang Yanning put the box in the trunk of the car, lowered his head, and said softly, "Xi Xi, go with your brother first. I'll go back to where I live to pick up something and see you at night."

"... Okay," Nian Xi happened to say to Ning Junting alone, without hindrance. "If you come tomorrow, it's dark at night, it's not safe to drive, and you're tired today."

Jiang Yanning opened his mouth, and Nian Xi immediately said, "It's so decided. Wechat at night."

When he left, he kissed him on the cheek. After getting in the car, Nian Junting directly whitened her eyes.

"It seems as if it's tired and Sang Sang is not tired and crooked," Nian Xi said, looking at the distant figure in the rear-view mirror, and her heart seemed to be covered with a thick haze. "Brother, do you think today? It was no accident, that's why I had to live with you. "

"I'm not quite sure, but just in case there is only one life and can't afford to take risks," Nian Junting looked at the car with a serious expression in front.

"Don't you all think that I was injured because of Jiang Yongning," Nian Xi asked chasing across his face, lethargic.

“Do n’t you think about it yourself, we did n’t say absolutely, but we also need to pay attention to safety. Do n’t hang up before jumping into the church with him,” said Jun Ting, who was like a knife. Then, anyway, in this life, you can also taste the taste of marriage, otherwise it is a pity to hang up. "

"Stop your mouth," Nian Xi hammered directly on him, "I'm sure I can get married and have a lot of Xiaojiangjiang."

Sitting behind Jiang Jiang "Wang Wang".

Nian Junting looked back at Jiang Jiang's eyes, his mouth twitched, "The dogs want to give birth, and you are quite hard."

Nian Xi ignored him directly.


In the residential area, Jiang Yanning watched the car that was going to the average year away and went directly to the property.

Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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