Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1429: No one wants you to break up with Nian Xi

Chapter 1429: No One Wants You To Break Up With Nian Xi

Junting Ting drove straight downstairs to Jiang Yongning.

After going up, he pressed a burly man at the door for a long time before coming to open the door.

Nian Junting recognized him at a glance. This man was one of the first to come to Jiang Yongning at his home, but he hasn't seen him for a long time. Now he comes out to protect ...

His expression sank, and he noticed a strangeness, "Where is Jiang Yongning?"

"In the room," Xu Gang turned to let him in. "Mr. Nian, you are here just right, I hope you can persuade him."

Uncle Han came over and sighed, "Some things I think you should know more than Ms. Nian. Yesterday, the gentleman also said that you told the property manager to check if there were any suspicious people in the community before the incident. You must have guessed It was no accident yesterday. "

Junting Nian's face was cold and cold, "what the **** do you think? It's because of you."

"We mean to make Mr. Jiang and Ms. Nian temporarily separated," Xu Gang said the plan arranged above, "from about five years ago, the crime cases committed by this organization around the world have been reached. More than 500 cases, with a total amount of up to 100 billion U.S. dollars, and they are all committed with high IQ crimes. Some morally degraded scientific researchers from many countries have invested in their organizations. We ca n’t find them now. Where is your old nest, Mr. Nian, you are also a special soldier. I hope you can understand our feelings. "

Junting Nian clenched his fist, he knew long ago that Jiang Yanning was not easy, but the last thing he wanted to happen still happened.

He ignored Xu Gang and went directly to the master bedroom, which was locked inside.

"There is a key," said Uncle Han, who took the key and opened the door. "Our husband didn't come out, didn't eat or drink after he went in yesterday."

Nian Junting walked in, Jiang Yanning shrank on the big bed in the room, the quilt was tightly tight, only one head was exposed, Hu Zha grew a circle around the corner of his mouth, got a little bit more handsome, a little bit more decadent, and his eyes were quiet. Closed, as if asleep.

Ning Junting politely lifted the quilt, and he shrank into a ball, hugged his head, and murmured, "I don't want to break up, don't break up ..."

A touch of compassion flashed across his brow.

Ning Junting stabbed him, "No one wants you to break up with Nian Xi."

Hearing Nian Xi ’s name, Jiang Yanning's eyelashes trembled, and then he slowly opened his eyes. After opening his eyes to see the average young man, he immediately shrank into the quilt again. "I ignore you, you must come to force me to follow Nian Xi broke up. "

The average annual Ting twitched.

How bad he is and how bad he is, making the other person so afraid of himself.

"I didn't want to force you," Nian Junting rubbed his eyebrows, yanked the quilt apart and threw it on the ground, throwing and tossing and suddenly found a lingerie falling out of the quilt.

He froze and twisted Jiang Yanning in a frenzy. "Who the **** is that, and how far have you and Nian Xiping usually developed?"

"Don't say ..." Jiang Yanning shook him away vigorously, and rushed to pick up his underwear and hug it in his arms.

Nian Junting took a deep breath and said coldly, "This is the end of the matter. Do you think it will be okay if no one sees you? Have you ever wondered how worried you would be if you could not contact Nian Xi in these two days, she She'll be cranky and call her right away. "

"I won't fight, you let me break up," Jiang Yanning lowered his head.

Third more. . Hum, we don't go the same way

(End of this chapter)

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