Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1431: It ’s really smelly. Xixi definitely does n’t like it.

Chapter 1431: It's Really Stink, Xixi Must Not Like It

"If I do it for the person I love and to be old-fashioned with her," she said, "I do n’t understand what projects you have in your hands that make the other person look at you. I think it must be very important. No matter where you hide, even if you are protected, you can't hide for a lifetime, you have to think about his family. "

"Actually ... this method has been discussed above," Xu Gang gritted his teeth suddenly, "but I think Mr. Jiang can't do it, so he strongly opposes it, but this is really the best way, and you don't need to break up with Miss Nian."

Uncle Han said coldly, "But it may not be possible to return in a lifetime."

"What the **** are you talking about?" Jiang Yanning was dazed. "What can I do to break up with Nian Xi and let us grow old ..."

Uncle Han couldn't stand it. He pulled him up and left. "Sir, don't listen to them, you go back to the lab."

"No, I want to listen," Jiang Yanning stood still and asked stubbornly.

Nian Junting rubbed his eyebrows and Xu Gang smiled bitterly. "It means to let you be undercover. The TOX organization is now targeting Ms. Nian. In fact, the purpose is very simple. It is to let you hand over things. If that kind of thing exists in your mind, Then it ’s only to bring you people, what does a genius scientist mean to their kind of people, treasure, as for the other undercover, it is not good at all, there are all high-tech personnel, there is no way to do it Send the message out. "

"Undercover ... undercover," Jiang Yanning scared his lips, "... Nian Xi and I have seen an undercover movie and it feels good ... so scary."

Annual average Ting: "..."

"You heard it," said Uncle Han angrily. "Our husband has never lied, and he is very timid."

"This is just my suggestion. I had no choice but to let him go. He considered it himself. It was also his own business. I'm just an outsider. Think about it slowly, but the most urgent thing is to ask you to call Nian Xi. Or go and speak to her personally, "Nian Junting frowned." If you don't go again, she will think I threatened you to leave. "

"I'm going, I'm going to see Nian Xi," Jiang Yanning straightened his back immediately. If no one forced him to break up, he would go immediately.

Nian Junting looked at his uncle's appearance, and said, "Tell me to shave your beard and brush your teeth, please. I don't know if I haven't brushed my teeth for a few days, it's stinking."

Jiang Yanning breathed a sigh of relief, smelled his mouth, and hated himself.

It really smells bad, and Xixi definitely doesn't like it. She likes to clean herself before each kiss.

On the way to the villa, Jiang Yining was dazed by the window.

The average annual Ting Ting directly called, a while at home, a while at the company.

Until not far from the villa, Jiang Yanning suddenly said dullly: "If I go to sit undercover, what if Nian Xi is chased away by someone else, for example ... Feng Jichuan, he has been staring at him."

Jun Ting was so scared that he almost stepped on the brakes.

He glanced at the man's eyes next to him, still a pure face, but the lingering sorrows in his clear eyes made his heart tremble.

In fact, he said that method before, and he never thought he would agree.

"You decide……."

"I don't, I just want to have a future with Nian Xi," Jiang Mining lowered his head, "and I also need to be responsible for Nian Xi."

Fifth more. Tomorrow continues.

(End of this chapter)

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