Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1435: I'll share the pain with you, or break up ...

Chapter 1435: I and You Are Suffering Together or Either Break Up ...

After seeing her stop talking, Jiang Yining whispered and explained, "I don't care about you, but the scientist must have the sense of responsibility of the scientist. If I hand it over, it will hurt a lot of people, but don't be sad. If you are gone, I will accompany you. I certainly won't leave you alone. "

"Don't say it," Nian Xi reached out to hold him, "I'm a policeman, and I'm clear in front of Dayi and Xiaoyi. You're right to do this, but I want to share your troubles with you, and leave me alone, rest assured ……."

"Your brother and your dad will protect you," Jiang Yanning vowed, "when I leave, Xu Gang will soon catch the bad guys here, then you will be safe. If you leave with me , You will be more dangerous, you have to think about your family. "

Nian Xi understood that he decided not to bring his own, "when will you come back, a few, six months or a year ..."

Jiang Yanning bit his lip, looked at her for a while, and finally said, "At the latest three years, and I may not be able to call and text you."


Nian Xi rubbed her hair and let go of his hand.

She felt like she was going crazy. The previous man had gone to the army for eight years, and now she has to leave for another three years. She can't even call or text. She doesn't have such a strong sense of security.

"Xi Xi, Xu Gang broke up with me, but I really couldn't bear you," Jiang Yanning tangled up and hugged her, keeping her away from herself. "Your brother told me that two people must be frank together, no matter the result I should respect you no matter what. I don't want to break up. I'm very afraid of losing you. I know it's hard for you to wait, but this is the only way now. "

"What's the only way ..." Nian Xi pushed him hard and almost ran away. "Jiang Ningning, I'm an individual and a woman. I tell you, either take me, I will share the pain with you, or break up ... . "

Jiang Yanning opened his mouth hard, how he would bring her.

He wasn't even sure he would come back alive.

But if she breaks up now, will he have married someone else when he returns.

He was at a loss, what was the right thing to do.

Nian Xi saw that he suddenly stopped talking, and was so angry that she almost burst into tears.

Three years, so long, who knows if he will love her like he did when he returns, and who knows if he will change.

She had experienced that kind of injury once and really didn't have that courage.

But if you want to give up, now is the time when the love is strong, and just married, who is willing to give up.

After quiet in the living room for a while, Jiang Yining suddenly stood up and walked towards the door.

Nian Xi thought he was about to leave, and his red eyes caught the apple on the table and threw it on his back. "Jiang Ningning, don't say clearly and don't leave."

He was hit by an apple, his body trembled, and he glanced back at her, flashing his grievances, "I'm not leaving, I'll go to your brother and let your brother decide."

"What do you mean, you asked my brother to press me, and of course he couldn't let me go ..." Nian Xi only hated why he couldn't walk now, or he really wanted to drag him to bed and teach him a hard meal.

"What I won't let you go," Nian Junting came in holding the little apple at the door. "Nian Xi, I heard your loud noise at the door, how can you deal with Suing's name."

Lausanne, who was walking behind, almost fell and fell on the shoe cabinet.

Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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