Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1442: Xixi, you are too close to Feng Jichuan

Chapter 1442 Xixi, you are too close to Feng Jichuan

A serious face on her face, "In fact, drinking is really not that easy to get drunk. It's all exaggerated on TV and written in the novel. Generally, after drinking, the consciousness is completely sober. If you really don't want to, just forget it, I Drink it yourself, and be entertained. "

After speaking, Jiang Hao-ning, who was still mocking himself, felt sorry for Nian Xi. He was also afraid that Nian Xi would not be satisfied with himself. He would have to go so long. Now she would n’t even agree with her by candlelight dinner. She would not Slowly lose interest in yourself.

"Xi Xi ..."

"Let's go back."

Nian Xi strode forward with red wine.

Jiang Yanning looked at her back, and quickly ran after her to hold her hand. She let him pull, but she didn't tie him tightly.


Back to Nianxi apartment.

In order to express himself, Jiang Mining immediately dived into the kitchen. He must make a lot of delicious food for Nian Xi tonight, making her feel that the men outside are not his own.

For dinner, he cooked a good table, with chicken feet, duck, curry chicken ...

At the table, he arranged neatly, lit candles, and turned to the living room to call Nian Xi.

She was lying lazily on the sofa, holding the remote control in one hand, and answering the phone with one hand, and said, "Ji Chuan, I really don't know how to thank you ... I will be at work the day after tomorrow, please You eat with everyone ... what to eat ... western food ... well ... "

She wasn't finished talking, and the shadow mask was down. She saw Jiang Yanning wearing a blue plaid apron standing next to her eyes, her eyes were round, her mouth was curled, her brows were tight, she was very anxious Unhappy, even breathing was short.

"What's wrong?" Nian Xi pretended not to know.


She also asked what was wrong, and she contacted Feng Jichuan privately, and thanked them for asking him to eat western food.

Didn't she say that eating western food is very romantic.

"Well, it's so fragrant. When the rice is cooked, let's eat," Nian Xi straightened up.

Just after taking a step, Jiang Yining suddenly grabbed her hand, her eyes were stubborn and childish, "You are not allowed to follow Western food with Feng Jichuan."

"I'm not alone with him," Nian Xi blinked. "Fang Qi, Zhanhong and them."

"No," Jiang Yanning shook his head stubbornly. "I don't agree."

"Okay," Nian Xi nodded. "Then we can eat hot pot, but Sichuan, Cantonese, Hunan ..."

Jiang Yanning froze, anxious, "This is not the reason to eat anything, it is ... I don't like you going to dinner with Feng Jichuan."

"Don't make a mess, we are colleagues, not Hongxing out of the wall," Nian Xi walked to the dining table and took a goblet of wine for herself.

Jiang Yanning froze. Didn't he tell him to drink together before, now why do he drink alone?

"Xi Xi, I'm jealous ..." Jiang Yanning tells the depressed truth, "You are too close to Feng Jichuan."

"Sunning, don't you say it," Nian Xi took a sip of red wine and put down her glass. "Is it really passionate to be with you, okay, I do n’t even have a steak by candlelight dinner, and I have made a table for home cooking Even if it doesn't drink red wine, can it be a little fun. "

Jiang Yanning stayed awake, wondering why Nian Xi was suddenly angry this last night.

Did she regret it and didn't want to wait for herself? She wanted to reunite with Feng Jichuan.

"I ... I didn't say no to drink," he said indifferently.


There are two chapters 1140 in the front. I wrote the title of 1141 wrong.

Fourth more. Continue tomorrow. I'm going to save the draft. Everyone will wait for my explosion on the 9th.

There will be a big play tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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