Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1453: Sister Xi, you are tough

Chapter 1453 Sister Xi, you are tough

Taking a few steps and turning back, he kicked him **** the table in front of them, scaring the women back.

"Finally, I warn you, do n’t say that my man is fierce, and do n’t mess with me. I ’m a fiance missing woman now. I ’m in a bad mood. I ’m not afraid to do crazy things. Regardless of your business, it's my own business, even if I'm old, "she said, and walked around in the corner to find a place to sit.

Although there were a lot of people in the large conference room, no one dared to say a word. Everyone was afraid to peek at her. Even a bunch of big men were breathing very lightly, lest she, who had just lost her fiance, run away.

Cheng Jing sat beside her and quietly gave her thumbs up, "Sister Xi, you're tough."

Nian Xi glanced at her silently.

Cheng Jing quickly patted her shoulder. "Don't be angry, those groups of three or eight are jealous of you. They lived unhappy and unhappy, and were particularly happy to see others bad."

"I know, I have been in a bad mood recently, and suddenly felt less depressed after venting," Nian Xiyang said in a high voice. "Sure enough, I need to find someone to vent when I feel bad."

The circle of people sitting in front of her shuddered after hearing it.


For a long time, people in the police station did not dare to mention Jiang Xunning's name when they saw Nian Xi. Jiang Xuning had never heard of it. Many people thought that he might be dead. Nian Xi was probably over-stimulated. It was all right. Shooting range practice, sandbags, a good unmarried girl just arrived in the summer, a lot of black.

On the birthday of Mu Rongze, Nian Xi used to drink wine. Yu Wen was distressed when she saw her look. "Xi Xi, Su Ning is indeed a good man. We all like him, but we still have to go forward. You still He is young and has a long life. He can't give up because he disappeared. "

"Grandma, I didn't give up on myself," Nian Xi said with her eyes lowered.

"Why didn't you give up on yourself," Yu Wen said, holding her hand. "You look like you are now, your hair has been cut off, your skin is tanned like Gu Tianle, and people are thin. This hand is thick and cocoon. It's like cutting wood on the mountain every day ... "

Nian Xi's mouth twitched, and Lausanne couldn't help but said, "I'm not as exaggerated as Gu Tianle."

"How much worse," Yu Wen said, "this is only early summer, isn't it that summer is over, she will become African."

"I'm practicing martial arts recently. I'm definitely not as particular as I used to be," Nian Xidan said.

"Xi Xi, you are the golden leaf of our family," said Murong Ze, "when your mother gave birth to you, I wanted to raise you as a princess. We are heartbroken to see you like this, obedient, don't be too tired, you You are still young now, and when you get older, you will know that some things will eventually pass, and you ... will still marry someone. "

"I know ..." Nian Xi's nose was slightly sour, and she picked up her chopsticks. "Let's eat, it's a rare vacation to accompany you. You say that I'll be careful when I leave."

"Grandma, grandfather, let her," Nian Junting fainted. "Our family is so rich that she would never marry in this life and have money for her willful life."

Yu Wen sighed long.


At seven o'clock in the evening, after coming out of Fengyuan, Nian Xi drove away first. Lausanne looked at the leaving car and felt very distressed. "Seeing Nian Xi like this, I suddenly felt very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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