Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1457: This must be Sister Molius.

Chapter 1457: This Must Be Sister Molius

Yan Su rubbed her temples hard. Now the door is filled with fans and reporters, so is she going to meet her mother, brother and daughter at the door?

"Come in from the door, I'll call the doorman," Yan Su said after hanging up.

Lausanne asked in distress: "Who's here, you won't have time to eat with me."

"My mom ... with my brother ...," and my daughter.

Yan Su added a later sentence in her heart.

"Oh," Lausanne nodded. "You have a younger brother, then, let's be together, friends for so many years, haven't seen your family."

Yan Su hesitated for a while, nodded his head, forget it, anyway, sooner or later to meet, see you before you see it, and Lausanne said so, it is not good to refuse.

When they walked to the door, they also saw Jiang Peiying walking with her two children. Jiang Peiying pushed Yan Yan with her car, Yan Jin pulled her calf and followed him nicely, holding Yan Yan in one hand Little hand.

The value of the family is quite high, attracting the attention of the surrounding students.

"Sister ... sister," Da Laoyuan, Yan Jin released her calf and ran over when she saw Yan Su.

Yan Su bent over and hugged Yan Jin, and within less than a second, she regretted that the boy was heavy again.

"Sister, I miss you," Yan Jin hung her arms around her neck, coquettishly selling.

"Good," Yan Su kissed his face.

Lausanne was surprised: "Susu, you have such a younger brother."

"Yeah," Yan Su nodded, not surprised by the surprised look of others. "His name is Yan Jin, Xiao Jin, this is Sister Lausanne."

"Sister, hello ..." Yan Jin froze when she saw her face after speaking, this face had a sense of familiarity.

"What's the matter, suddenly," Lausanne smiled, and stretched out his hand. "Let my sister hug you, your sister has no children and must not have the strength to hug you for too long."

Yan Jin knew for a moment that it turned out to be a friend who didn't know her sister had children.

"Sister, don't use it, I can't trouble you," Yan Jin said quickly and politely. "Thank you very much for taking care of my sister Su Su."

"Susu, your brother really understands politeness and speaks fluently," Lausanne said with great emotion, hoping that his little apple would be half sensible in the future.

I was thinking, seeing Jiang Peiying approaching, she also saw the girl in the car wearing a little pink dress, looking less than one year old, her face was beautiful, her eyes were watery, and she was wearing a pink sun hat. It really looks like a Barbie.

After being stunned for a while, Lausanne whispered to Yan Su and said, "Su Su, your parents are amazing. You can have such a big girl and give birth to such a small brother and sister. It's really awful. What should we do? Yes. "

Yan Su: "..."

Yan Jin blinked and looked at the sky silently.

"Susu, are you classmates?" Jiang Peiying's eyes were very poisonous, and she stared at Lausanne for a long time. After all, the young girl was young and beautiful, but she became more familiar after seeing it. Does West look like it?

She instantly understood that this must be the sister of Molucy, who was said to be Su Su's good friend before.

"Auntie, hello, I'm Su Suo's good friend Xu Lausang," Lausanne said as he smiled and touched Yan Yan's little cheek. "It's so cute, silly, let my sister hug me."

Since having a child, she is now completely immune to children.

Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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