Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1459: Lausanne's eyes almost glared

Chapter 1459 Lausanne's Eyes Almost Stared Out

The quality of parents' children's education can reflect how well their parents get along.

She is just such a daughter, even if Molucy is excellent, if the other party's parents are not easy to get along with, she will not agree to let her daughter marry a bad one.

Yan Su reluctantly sighed. She just said she had a child and she was taken aback. Now if you continue to say that the child ’s father is your brother, I do n’t know if she can drive well. Would you like to tell you after the concert? The child's father will let you see you then. "

"Child father?" Lausanne almost glared. "Yan Su, I don't even know when you have a boyfriend. Are you still my friend? You won't be married anymore." Right. "

"That's not ..." Yan Su was apologized by her.

"Your child is so old and you haven't got your marriage certificate yet," Lausanne said, the more worried he became. "Which **** made you pregnant without marriage, aunt, have you ever seen it?"

"I've seen it before, but I haven't seen each other's parents yet. This time I want to see the two parents meet," Jiang Peiying said with a smile.

"That's about it," Lausanne nodded. "I hate irresponsible men the most, but auntie, you have to check it out, Yan Su ... it's too simple and deceiving in terms of feelings."

However, she has a bad impression of Yan Su, a boyfriend who is over one year old and not married.

If she knew this at first, she would definitely try to stop it. Now there are too many scum men, and many men just make women's belly bigger, and then they say that they are born and then get married, and then drag on again and again later. Got another woman.

She couldn't believe Yan Su would make such a low-level mistake.

But looking at Yan Su, she should really like the man, so she is hard to say anything.

However, she had silently regarded that person as Shixu. After all, Yan Su's scum-like man was only Shixu.

She really didn't like Shixue and was annoyed to see him, but for the sake of susu, she had to put up with it.

"Rest assured, I will definitely check it strictly," Jiang Peiying glanced at Yan Su with a smile.

Yan Su was embarrassed, and quickly shifted the topic. "Sang Sang, what to eat, don't go too far, just eat here, we will have to take an exam later."

"Your mother is here for the first time, and of course you have to go to a place with good environment and taste," Lausanne said positively.

She pondered that Jiang Peiying was from Jiangxi, and in order to cater to her appetite, she went to a Hunan restaurant, where the dishes were similar.

At the dinner table, Jiang Peiying was very satisfied. After all, when you come to Xiacheng, you can know spicy dishes. "Luo Sang, you are so good and sensible. You can see that your parents have educated you very well."

Eating and eating, Jiang Peiying began to sell.

Yan Su chopped his chopsticks, and Lausanne didn't feel like giving Yan Yansheng soup, "Auntie, you think too much. I'm not that sensible. I should be more sensible after marriage. Everyone has a transition period."

"That's right," Jiang Peiying wasn't satisfied with the answer, which was not what she wanted to hear. "But it must also be related to your parents' education. Su Su said that you have been doing well in school since you were a child. Auntie failed. She wanted Su Su to take over our family business, but she ran away ... "

First more

(End of this chapter)

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