Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1462: Alas, my brother ...

Chapter 1462: My Brother ...

Lausanne is very relieved.

A well-behaved and sensible child, unfortunately this child belongs to someone else's house, and her little apple is a little trick. "That little Jin, please take care of the little apple, I'll get the fruit."

After the fruit was cut, Yan Jin returned with her little apple, and the relationship between the two seemed to have made rapid progress.

Little Apple took Yan Jin to his room, and the two played robots, tanks, and puzzles together.

The children's voices came from the room from time to time. Sister Lan smiled while chopping vegetables: "Although this child is small, he is very sensible. Little Apple is arrogant and he let it go."

"Yeah, when is Steward Wu coming back, this lobster must be made more so that Xiao Jin can eat enough at once."


At six o'clock in the evening, Junting Ting returned from work and saw Yan Jin in the children's room for a while.

"Hello brother," Yan Jin immediately got up and greeted politely when she saw a tall man standing at the door.


Junting Nian looked at the twitching mouth of a child who was no taller than his own son. "Although I look very young, you should call me an uncle properly by age."

Yan Jin blinked her eyes and nodded, "Okay, uncle."

Anyway, Little Apple wants to take advantage of him, so he will let Little Apple's father suffer.

"Good," Nian Junting was very satisfied. It was rare to see a well-behaved little boy who, unlike his own baby, often wanted to kick to the Pacific Ocean.

"Well, my brother ..." After seeing his father, Little Apple pulled Yan Jin and introduced him.

Annual average Ting: "..."

"Junting, you're back," Lausanne came over wearing an apron. "Xiao Jin, little apple, have you puzzled together?"

"It's almost a bit," Yan Jin smiled and showed a row of white teeth. "Sister Sang Sang, your apron is so beautiful."

"Thank you," Lausanne touched his head.

Nian Junting turned her head to look at her, disapproving the irony, "You're too old, and let a kid call your sister you."

Yan Jin immediately said, "Sister Sang Sang, this uncle said that I should call him uncle."

"Well, keep calling him uncle, he likes it anyway," Lausanne nodded with a smirk. "Actually, he is also my uncle ..."

"Xu Luosang ..." Ning Junting pulled her into her arms, gritted her teeth and said, "Will you marry your uncle."

Lausanne bowed his head and "snapped" and laughed, showing a showy neck, and the average young Ting tolerated in front of the two little guys, "Who owns this kid?"

"Sue's," Lausanne replied.

The eyes of Jun Ting stared round, "Yan Su gave birth to a boy?"

Did n’t you say she was a girl?

"No, this brother Yan Su," after hearing Lausanne suddenly felt that something was not right, and his keen gaze passed, "No, you already knew that Su Su had given birth to a child."

Should n’t normal people be surprised to say boys.

"Really, Yan Su gave birth to a child?" Nian Junting pretended to be unknown. He suspected that Lausanne would not have known that the child was Molucy, or he would have called him.

"Yeah, a girl was born. It looks good. I don't know who my father is," Lausanne said. "But I'm also very happy that Yan Su can find his own happiness. Don't say, take care of them. I'll cook lobster. "

"Lobster?" Jun Ting frowned deeply. "How many times have you asked me to say that this thing has a lot of parasites ..."

Fourth more. Remember the monthly pass. . Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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