Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1475: He is on the scene tonight

Chapter 1475: He's On The Scene Tonight

Lausanne was distressed to watch from the stage. He couldn't help but said to Nian Junting: "Actually, I don't agree with being a singer, so I sang and danced for a long time. I couldn't take it anymore."

"If you just sing and don't dance, the fare doesn't need to be so high, and everyone will feel boring after watching it for a long time." The average annual Ting sat in a chair lazily, anyway, he was not interested in these, singing or his wife singing The best.

At about half past ten, Yan Su finished singing a famous song. That song was seen to make her consume a lot of styles. On the big screen, the bangs on her forehead were slightly moist, and there was a light pant when correcting the headset.

"The next thing I'm going to sing is not my own song, Mo Wenwei's" Like You Slowly, "" Yan Su paused, took a breath, turned her eyes soft, and then said, "It's a confession. Song, confession to someone, confession to the person I like. "

Because what she said was too sudden, the audience, fans, and media at the scene were caught off guard, and everyone was upset. Did she confess to her concert?

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly reach its climax.

Lausanne was also shocked. As Yan Su's friend, he had never heard him talk before.

Many people around her are like her. She even heard Yan Su fans say, "Oh my God, when did Yan Su have a boyfriend, I can't accept it."

"I can't accept it either, Yan Su is so beautiful, she is suitable for a quiet person, ah, ah, I'm going crazy."

"Yan Su is also a girl. Would she like people to be normal? Wouldn't she say Shi Xu, would she be reunited with Shi Xu?"

"Well, that's definitely a confession of the century. Will Weibo be paralyzed tonight?"

"Will Shixiu fans go crazy."

"It's not necessarily Shixu. Maybe it's Chi Shengxu. Some insiders said that she was close to Chi Shengxu, or it might be Moluci. They fell into the sea together in Venice."


The crowd was eloquent, and Lausanne was nervously holding the hand of the average young man, "Hope is not real."

Junting Ting looked back at her, thinking that his wife might be crazy after a while.

On the stage, Yan Su looked at everyone in the audience and laughed, "Yes, I want to confess to my boyfriend, in fact, I already have a boyfriend, since I slowly became popular, many people will be online It ’s not good for my boyfriend to say who I ’m a good match with, so I prefer to be open, because sooner or later I ’ll find out that it ’s better to say it first. He ’s on the scene tonight. ”

Lausanne bit his lip and stared, "What, Shi Xu is on the scene, where is it?"

Annual average Ting: "..."

I really don't understand why she took a bite.

No matter how much sensation Yan Su brought to the people below, even her agent was going crazy, she still said, "I want to tell him that I really hated him before, but I do n’t know why. I fell in love, maybe this is love, I hope he can come up later, of course, I don't need him to sing with me because he sings badly. "

After she finished speaking, the music started.

"The book always loves to write about the unexpected evening

Riding the bike and talking to him

Girl's white clothes boy loves to see what she wears

Many bridges

A lot of romance

So many people feel sad "

Ninth more

(End of this chapter)

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