Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1484: How can I let you sleep for one night? Give me two nights

Chapter 1484 How To Make You Sleep For One Night On The Sofa, Give Me Two Nights

Xu Zhengxuan continued: "To be honest, I'm worried about Yan Su's little girl, young and beautiful, gentle and sensible. Although your brother is very capable, he is too young after all, I worry that he is not sensible enough, hey ... no, I I really feel that our family is too owed to Yan Su. Such a good daughter-in-law must settle the marriage as soon as possible. I just told Yan Su ’s father upstairs. We will have dinner together tomorrow night and formally engage our two children. "

"Dad, I support it," Lausanne agreed. "Mom, what do you think?"

"I think your brother really didn't know what he had accumulated in his life," Mo Jin said. "Although it was only a brief contact, Yan Su's parents were all kind of intellectuals. With your dad, the door was n’t the right one, and it was a lot of hardship. "

Xu Zhengxuan was silent for a while, but had to admit that Mo Jin said that marriage was not a matter of two people, it was a matter of two families.


After returning to the villa, Lausanne took a bath and lay down on the bed, and when he was ready to go up after washing, Lausanne dropped his pillow directly on him, "You sleep for me underground."

"What did I do wrong?" Nian Junting's face was wronged. Because of the late night he returned, Little Apple and Sister Lan went to bed first. He planned to show his skills and toss, but he couldn't even get to bed now. He was depressed.

"You know, but you didn't tell me earlier that you made me feel like a fool. How many times do you say that you have mocked me secretly, I think I'm stupid," Lausanne poked hard at his chest. "Be honest between husband and wife, and said on the day of your wedding Did you forget all your vows? "

Annual average Ting opened his mouth, Lausanne interrupted him, and said again: "Don't tell me anything to imply me, your name is lively, so to punish you, sleep on the sofa tonight."

"Luo Luo, you're unreasonable," Ning Junting complained. "I told you before that I have a secret, which you said you didn't want to know."

"At that time, you wanted to calculate that I had a second child," Lausanne sneered. "Oh, yes, you suddenly wanted to have a girl so much. Did you know that Lucy had children at the time, so you are envious and envious? . "

Jun Ting blinked, his eyes flashed, "I ... I didn't ..."

He thinks he may still prefer Sansang, whose IQ was offline.

"I really want to get more and more fire. I'm obviously my own niece. I don't even know how to let you sleep on the sofa for one night. Let me sleep for two nights," Lausanne said angrily.

"Okay, I sleep on the sofa," Jun Ting thought for a moment, and nodded

Downstairs, the little apple fell asleep and turned over, and said to Sister Lan: "Grandma, ... so noisy ..."

"Good boy, are you dreaming," Sister Lan covered her ears, complaining that Master and Sang Sang really are now, even if it affects her sleeping, it will have a bad impact on the child.


Yan Su has been so tired these days, and when she got home, she fell asleep dimly.

Waking up to see Weibo the next day, her relationship with Molucy still topped the list, and then she saw a video interview with Molucy.

She didn't know when he was interviewed. After opening it, she couldn't speak up.

Eighteenth more. There are two chapters tonight. Tired

(End of this chapter)

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