Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1490: I can take you to drink Biluochun

Chapter 1490: I Can Take You To Drink Biluochun

Everyone in the kitchen looked at him.

Junting Nian was a little confused, "Don't worry about me, you're busy."

Lausanne: "..."

What happened today, my brother came to stab, and my husband came to stab.

Although I felt very happy, at this time there was still a feeling of being abused, and there was no harm without comparison.

At 6:30, Molucy poured the last dish into the dish and turned to Yan Su and said, "Su Su, you have come to us today. It is hard to take you to milk tea in the evening."

"Okay, the stocking milk tea you brought me last time was quite delicious," Yan Su readily agreed.

It happened that Nian Junting came in and served the dishes, and heard their conversation and hesitated, "What is delicious about stocking milk tea? Is this strange name put in stockings in milk tea?"

Everyone was silent, and Molucy frowned at the average young man.

Junting Ting rubbed her brows, "Is it milk tea filtered with stockings?"

It's disgusting to think so, I really don't understand the taste of young people.

"Generation gap," Moluci shook his head and went out with Yan Su.

The average annual Ting looked inexplicably at Lausanne, "Am I wrong?"

"Old man," Lausanne said as he went out.

With a frown on his face, Junting Ning straightened her back and slapped her on the bottom. "Who is old, speak well."

"You don't even know milk tea in stockings. You are not an old man. It's too outdated," Lausanne said.

Nian Junting snorted, "Isn't it just milk tea? I can open the milk tea global chain for you at any time, and I won't take you to drink milk tea so cheap, I can take you to Biluochun."


Who is rare to drink Biluochun with you is indeed a man over 30 years old.

Lausanne's temple jumped. "Then you can also learn how to cook in Lucerne. You see how painful he is, and Su Su thinks she's tired of scraping a potato."

"Why should I learn his cooking, is he good at me?" Nian Junting disapproved. "We are not comparable at all. I am more perfect than him. You forget, even you praise me." The cooking is perfect. I used to say I would help you, but you always said you wouldn't let me approach. "


Can you take back what you said.

Lausanne suddenly felt that he might have really spoiled him before.

Knowing that his cooking skills were bad, he was not allowed to come near, and he was used to it.

"Luo Luo, don't envy others," said Jun Ting, earnestly. "What you see now is just a good side of them. There must be a bad side when two people get along. Many of us usually envy. Yes, I didn't buy you milk tea, but I can massage you at night. "

Lausanne thinks about it too, there is no need to always envy others, and he is doing well.

But in the evening, Lausanne regretted it. "Average year, didn't you say you massaged me?"

"Yes, touch, I mean touch," a man smirked.

Lausanne was so depressed that he was so deceived that he rushed to the sofa and slept for a week.


In mid-August, another year of Qixi Festival is coming.

Mo Lu Xi went home one day in advance to get the hukou book, and Xu Zheng gave the hukou book to his hand cautiously. "Son, you have to start a family and start a business. In the future ... be nice to your mother, don't worry her . "

"Have I ever bothered her," Molucy asked back.

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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