Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1498: Your sister also loves sucking her fingers when eating crayfish

Chapter 1498: Your Sister Eats Crayfish And Likes To Suck Her Fingers

But she did not pierce.

Man, it ’s not bad to have a cute side.

"Your mother is very educated," Yan Su nodded earnestly. "I think your habits are good, I like them very much."

"Really?" Moliuxi was relieved. In fact, he had a problem sucking his fingers when he ate something he liked, but he was afraid that Yan Su looked too unhygienic, so he kept controlling himself. It may have been too forgotten just now.

"Well, hurry up," Yan Su added silently. Your sister also loves sucking her fingers when eating crayfish. It is indeed a family.

Just thinking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao sent a WeChat: Susu, have you gone to Yangcheng Lake? Bring me some fresh crabs, and look very fat.


Sisters really are eating, no wonder Yan Yan pouted since childhood.


After pulling the certificate, he returned to Xiacheng and Yan Su went to work within a few days.

She is in a good shape, wearing a large diamond ring in her hands, and she is full of joy everywhere she goes, and it is difficult to hide the sweetness of her newlyweds between her eyebrows.

When receiving the call from An Lan, Yan Su thought about it, and asked her to meet at the company coffee shop on Sunday, just on Sunday she was going back to the company to have a meeting with the team.

When she saw An Lan again, she looked a little embarrassed. Unlike every time she saw her, she was dressed in the workplace, wearing only ordinary T-shirts and jeans, like a fighter who had taken off her armor, exposing the most vulnerable side inside.

"I came and wanted to ask if there are any traces of you behind An Ning," An Lan opened the door and saw her eyes sharp, "I suddenly received a message that day that An Ning was in Suzhou, and even told me the specific location I, I had bad feelings at the time, but I was late when I passed. It happened that I saw your Weibo later. You went to Yangcheng Lake that day, not too far from Suzhou. The person who gave me the news was Moluci. right."

Yan Su nodded and admitted truthfully, "We were upstairs that day."

An Lan clenched her fist, stood up sharply, and exasperated on her pretty face, "Yan Su, I know An Ning has broken your relationship. She shouldn't come in while Dr. Lucius is drunk. She was wrong. So she was fired publicly by the school and she can no longer go to college. I think she deserves it. I also feel sorry for you, so I took the initiative to be your lawyer. In all of your cases in the past six months,

Whether it's big or small, I personally help you to come forward and settle yourself, and I also want to pay her atonement, but it shouldn't be ... yes, she shouldn't go to be a junior, but now her entire face is ruined, and the edge is cut Too deep, the doctor would not be able to recover even if he had a cosmetic surgery. Her face was ruined. Now she is mad in the hospital every day and has a mental problem. "

Yan Su can understand that she is angry, and maybe she would be replaced by herself. "Attorney An, you are so smart, and I know you will come to us sooner or later. I really do n’t know about Lucy cloth. I did n’t know it until the last minute, but you May not understand that your sister is doing more than these bad things you know. "

An Lan slightly stunned.

"At first, your sister had no relationship with Lucy," Yan Su slowly explained. "I slept with Lucy that night, and then I ran away. Your sister saw sneaking into the room and taking off her clothes. Let Luci think that she had slept with him. After that, she used various excuses to entangle him. The most hateful thing was that she later knew that I had affiliated with Luci and sent me the photos on purpose.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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