Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1510: I am here to be kind

Chapter 1510

"I didn't," Yan Su shook her head and looked at the time. It was five o'clock. "I came today to persuade you, because I think we are classmates and have loved each other. Although you have missed the road, your nature is good. And women like Jin Youlan ca n’t be overemphasized. It ’s not worth a lifetime for this kind of woman. If you insist on doing this and make mistakes again and again, then I have no choice but to wait for a while, because at night I And the award ceremony, I will get married tomorrow.

"Yeah, you're getting married," Shi Xu's grief looked like cherry blossoms.

"Fate is in your own hands," Yan Su straightened.

Jin Youlan also hurried when she saw this: "Shi Xu, you let me go, I ... I promise not to care about today's affairs with you, we should be leveled up later."

She is arrogant, but the more arrogant people are, the more fearful they are when they encounter terror.

She was almost killed by Shi Xu on the yacht before, but Shi Xu felt that it was too cheap to kill her, and she had to torture slowly. Fortunately, Yan Su came over at this time.

"Straighten?" Shi Xu pulled the rope hard, his eyes filled with hatred, "Those things you do to me will never be straightened, Jin Youlan, people like you should be thrown into the deep sea to feed fish."

"Kill me and you will go to jail," Jin Youlan screamed loudly.

Chen Chen also advised: "Shi Xu, turn back to the shore, here is Macau, you have monitoring when you come, can not escape, to this day, fame, fortune, money, there should be everything, Miss Yan also said, she It doesn't look down on you. "

Yan Su also nodded, and said with graveness: "When it comes to life, everything is with you."

After speaking, she turned to Chen Chen and said, "I should go back, send me back. I urge you to leave as soon as possible, leaving nothing good for us. I think you as a broker are also kind It is impossible to take him in for the rest of his life, and we all have to take care of it. "

Chen Chen was a bit helpless, but she knew what Yan Su said was reasonable.

To persuade Shixu, in addition to a little friendship, the interests are mostly.

"Shi Xu, let's go, Jin Youlan doesn't dare to make a big deal, unless she wants others to know that she has kidnapped someone in the country, then she really doesn't want to return to South Korea," Chen Chen coldly glanced at Jin Youlan.

The latter nodded vigorously, "Yes, I don't say, absolutely don't say."

Shi Xu's eyes flashed hesitantly. After hesitating for a while, when he saw Yan Su Wenrun's eyes, he finally nodded severely.

Chen Chen and Yan Su both breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly let Jin Youlan pull onto the yacht.

I do n’t know how long she stayed in the water. Jin Youlan ’s face was white. Her bodyguards were also tied to the bottom of the ship. It seemed to be Chinese medicine, but the handsome man brought by Jin Youlan was lying comfortably. Drinking red wine on the sofa and seeing them in, he wondered, "Hey, did you kill Jin Youlan in the end?"

"Han Shen," Jin Youlan yelled, anxious to eat him. If he had not been deceived by his way, she would not have been caught by Shi Xu and would almost have died.

"Ah, hey, what fierce, Xu Shi is willing to give me a billion, I am definitely willing to sell you, will you give me a billion," Han Shen said, "Your Jin family is a group of capitalists and Exploiting ghosts not only wants to sleep on us, but also drains us out. "

Yan Su, who followed, was really the case.

With one billion yuan, you can flee to any country you want. The world is big, and Jin Youlan can't help it.

Third more. We are going to debut in the next episode. Don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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