Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1513: Wake me up right away and see if I don't teach you hard

Chapter 1513 Wake Me Up Immediately To See If I Don't Teach You Hard

What does this say.

This shows that the pair of lovers who had broken up and dated their ex-boyfriends before the bride's wedding, but unfortunately encountered the waves.

Now the media wants to know if the two have died, and the true purpose of the two going to sea together.

"Give me a break," Molucy rushed out of the crowd like crazy.

"It's Molucy, Molucy."

Someone quickly recognized him.

The microphone pushed towards him frantically.

"Morius, do you know what happened to your wife and Shi Xu?"

"Are they cheating?"

"Are you angry now ..."


A series of words resemble artillery shells. Moluci's eyes were red and he grabbed the microphone and slammed it on the ground. "You shut up for me, and now my wife has an accident. You reporters only know gossip, you don't understand anything. Because it wasn't your relatives, I told you that Yan Su didn't do anything wrong with me. She called me before she got on the yacht and told me about it. You can ask one more thing and I will tear your mouths. "

His stubborn eyes stared at these confessions as if a sleepy beast was about to collapse. The reporters were a little scared and didn't dare to say a word.

"Get out of here," Molucy pushed away and rushed to the hospital.

At the door was a guide nurse who yelled while grabbing her clothes. "Yan Su, this evening the man overturned by the yacht."

The nurse opened his mouth.

"Don't tell me she's dead," Moluci shouted before she spoke. "Even if you die, you have to pull her back from the **** of death."

The nurse was frightened by him. "I ... I don't know. Soon after I sent it, I went to the rescue. I don't know if it was saved."

"You mean her ... she wasn't dead," Molucy shivered, as if seeing hope. "Don't the news say she was the victim."

"Just a few people were urgently delivered from the outside, but I haven't heard that it was out of breath," the nurse said honestly, "go up and ask ..."

Before the words were finished, the nurse was directly thrown away, and the figure quickly ran inside.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were many people who faked the family to tell the news, whether or not her true relatives knew it at a glance.


Moluzi came across Jiao Jiao from the third floor ward while inquiring in the hospital.

"Where's the prime minister?" Molucy fell down, watching her calmness.

"In there, I was trying to call you," Jiao Jiao said. "I drank a lot of water. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and I'm still in a coma."

Moriusi took a long, deep breath, and then he realized that his previous legs had been shaking, and now he seemed to be hanging in the air, and he finally found his breath.

His arm shivered and pushed open the door, and found that there were two beds in it, both of them were asleep, Yan Su was lying there, and his face was pale and white with water. He probed his breath with his hand and knew She was still mad before she clenched her hands.

"Yan Su, why do I like a woman like you?" He stared at her with a resentful tone, "It's about to get married and cause me a lot of things. Do you want me to slap you?" Would you wake me up and see if I don't teach you so hard? "

The drowsy person's eyelashes didn't even tremble, but the hand he held seemed to have a silky strength, and he gave him a soft back.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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