Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1519: She let Susu watch from the side

Chapter 1519: Let Su Su Look Aside

Moriusi frowned fiercely, not understanding what Shi Xu meant.

"Do you know why Yan Su is willing to help me, because she thinks she owed me, and that night we were photographed at the hotel last night, I was forced by a man ... raped, you know," Shi Xu poked hard His chest, his eyes flushed, and his handsome face was twitching.

Molucy was staggered, and he never thought that such a thing would happen.

He looked back at Yan Su, seeing that she had already quietly shrunk herself into a ball, buried her face in the quilt, and a rough voice came out, "Shixue, don't say it."

What happened that night was a shadow to everyone.

She also often had nightmares and dreamed about it. At first, she was disgusted with the things of men and women, which was why that night.

"Susu, I didn't expect you to keep your promises like this," Shi Xuhong said with eyes, "My assistant said I hope you don't tell what happened that night, you have never told anyone, even if you tell him I won't blame you. "

"Since I promised not to say it, I wouldn't say it," Yan Su said, pinching the quilt, and said with a hoarse throat.

It wasn't that she didn't hear the screams that night, nor did he hear the wailing cry that night.

What he discarded was the dignity of a man.

Secrets about the extreme privacy and even dignity of others cannot be shared just because they are their husbands and their parents. This is all immoral.

"Why ... this happened, what happened that night," Molucy asked angrily.

"Actually, there is no need to feel guilty. It was my own iniquity that affected her," Shi Xu glanced at Jin Youlan, who was still unconscious on the bed. "There is nothing wrong with the outside rumors. For the sake of superiority, I followed Jin Youlan. Controlled, and later I wanted to go back to China to develop with Su Su, and left South Korea. Jin Youlan found out that Su Su was my first girlfriend, and kidnapped her. That night I passed by. Jin Youlan finally said, I chose Su Su. One played by her. "

Moliussi clenched his fists violently, his eyes filled with **** red hate, he didn't know that she had encountered that kind of thing that night.

He really wanted to strangle the woman now.

Shi Xu leaned on the wall and slowly sat on the ground. "I was also scared. I was also weak at the time, but when I saw Su Su getting stripped off by clothes and seeing her crying all the time, I knew I It ’s not a thing, I ca n’t give her happiness, and finally because I was implicated, so I stood up. Jin Youlan was really vicious. She let Susu look at me and watch me be victimized. ... Jin Youlan also recorded the video on the side. "

Yan Su Na covered her face with a quilt, and the whole person shrank inside. She didn't want to remember anything about that night.

Shi Xu then laughed, "While you thought you were in Venice, why didn't I go to chase with you this year, because I felt I was not qualified. In front of her, I have no dignity, not even a man. You said how I went to chase, but Jin Youlan told the reporter after being photographed in the hotel. "

"Susu feels that she owes me. She thinks that if it wasn't for me to realize our dreams, or to go back to fame, I would go back and see her father cheer her up. I wouldn't betray my body. If I didn't stand up, I wouldn't Will be played, "Shi Xu wiped the tears from his eyes.

Second, it's a bit abusive.

(End of this chapter)

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