Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1530: Your body, who made you drink

Chapter 1530 Your Body, Who Made You Touch The Wine

Moriusi said indifferently, "A marriage proposal ruins other people's flowers. Such a person should not marry his wife so much. Is Ji Nuan crazy?

"Flowers are not important, what is important is the mind, and the warmth has helped us ..."

"You're right, if she didn't help us, how could I marry you in the end," Molucy suddenly felt yin and yang.

"It's really difficult for you to marry me, but you've got married and you can't help it. Let's go. We used to be happy with others," Yan Su sighed and walked with his hand.

Molucy looked reluctant, but his legs followed him sincerely.

Ji Nuanyi saw the two of them coming over, and he was very embarrassed to shoot Xiao wanton and let him let her down.

Xiao Xiao obediently obeyed and saw the bride and groom coming up, and immediately enthusiastically went up to hold the shoulders of Molucy, "Brother, thank you very much. If it were not for your wedding, I wouldn't find a chance to warm Proposal, this day, I have waited too long, yes, Yan Su, when I misunderstood Cheng Sheng and the warmth, thanks to your explanation with Lausanne, otherwise I would really misunderstand and miss such a good warmth I will regret it all my life. "

"I'm not familiar with you," Molucy glanced at the arm on his shoulder and politely took it away.

Ji Nuan knew his temper, and he was cold and warm, "Mo Dao, I'm so sorry, I was so upset at your wedding. If I knew he would be like this, I wouldn't bring him here."

"Sister Nuanyi, don't say that," Yan Su held her hand with a smile. "You are so busy, and you are still my bridesmaid. We all remember your goodness to our husband and wife, and see that you finally have In order to be happy, we are very happy for you. I also hope to drink your wedding as soon as possible, and don't want to wait too long. "

"No problem," Xiao Xi laughed.

"Let's eat. Although the marriage proposal was successful, we still have to eat the food," Yan Su said with a smile.

Over there, Mo Jin was greeting them about toasting. After all, it was too late.

Yan Su and Moliuxi went to pay respect to their elders with wine glasses. Yan Su took the lead in talking and smiled, "Thank you for joining me and Lucy's wedding."

After clinking with everyone, when she was about to drink her wine by looking up, Molucy took it directly, and drank it with her and herself.

"Husband ..." Yan Su looked at his smooth jaw line, and his eyes waved from ripple to ripple.

Molouxi shook her hand holding the wine glass. She seldom called her husband. She always called "Liuxi Liuxi". Then suddenly she screamed, her heart beating fiercely, if not All in sight, he really wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss him fiercely.

But the thought lasted only a few seconds. He felt that he must be too strong for these two glasses of wine.

"Yan Su, who is your body, who made you drink," Molucy said angrily.

Yan Su looked at him with black eyes and didn't speak.

The best man Chu Jiu at the side could not help reminding, "Please, she's not drinking at all, is it water?"

Molucy: "..."

Chu Jiu rolled his eyes, "Can't you drink it by yourself, and I'm not neurotic, knowing that she has just been discharged from the hospital, and let her drink white wine."

Moliuxi moisturized his lips. He drank too fast, but he didn't drink too much.

Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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