Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1533: Think about how serious I was before

Chapter 1533: Think About It

Yan Su shook his hands slightly.

She kept her eyes open, watching his dark eyelashes moving incitingly, and suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

With him in love, everything is worth it.

Before he looked like that at the wedding ceremony, she couldn't care a little bit, although she knew he was being mad, but it was a wedding that a woman would have in her lifetime.

But it's not important now.

I just want to hold him until I grow old.

It was only when she briefly lost her resistance that Moliussi intensified.

He asked Jiangnan's famous embroidery master to elaborate a Chinese dress, which was torn apart by her.

She exclaimed, completely speechless. She liked this dress very much and planned to collect it well. Who would have expected ...?

"Luxi ... Oh ..." She basically had no room for resistance, and she was already very weak, and now he could only do random things.

When the room was in full swing, the outside door was pushed open.

"Susu, do you ..." As soon as Mo Jin opened the door, he heard the breath of his son coming out. Although he could not see the scenery on the bed, he could see scattered dresses on the ground. And shirt.

Her old face was hot, and she hurried out to close the door with her backhand.

She gasped in her heart, this bunny, who was weird to other brides at the wedding ceremony, before the guests had left, and Su Su hadn't eaten any food, so she couldn't wait to get out of bed. Isn't that ridiculous?

At least get the night of the cave house, are there so many guests coming from far away?

She's a dying mother.

"Why didn't you go in?" Xu Zhengxuan walked along with Lausanne and Nian Junting.

"Mom, ask Susu to have a meal, too," Lausanne said. "Don't be hungry. She's not recovered yet."

She has also been a bride and knows how hard it is to be a bride.

It doesn't matter that her brother is a man.

"Hey, they will come from Luxembourg and wait for a while. They have to send it over," Mr. Ning Jun reminded, and Mo's family came from Luxembourg to drink a lot of relatives today.

Mo Jin coughed awkwardly, "This ... may not be good to call now, they ... have fallen asleep, maybe too tired."

She answered implicitly.

Lausanne frowned. "This guest fell asleep without leaving, understandably uncomfortable, but Lucy ..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly understood, "Should they not be in the room ..."

Her red lips opened slightly, and her surprised face was hot.

"It's okay," Mo Jin waved, and the mothers felt ashamed. "Young man, understand, you have a good temper, and your brother is drinking too much."

Xu Zhengxuan was also embarrassed. "I also drank too much when I got married and didn't see it like this."

"Well, so do I," Ni Junting nodded in approval, his handsome face faintly complicated.

"Then I can't help it," Mo Jin said. "Jun Ting and Sang Sang are all the things to send the guests. It's claimed that the bride is uncomfortable and Lucy is with him. Anyway, everyone knows that the bride was yesterday. Overboard. "

"It can only be this way," Lausanne nodded helplessly, and walked out helplessly.

Nian Junting held her gently around her waist, suddenly said in a low tone, annoyed, "I think I was too serious before. Why didn't I turn you into bed at noon when I was married outside? It was honest. Wait until the evening. "

First more

(End of this chapter)

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