Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1535: Who will compensate my wedding night

Chapter 1535: Who Will Compensate For My Wedding Night

When Yan Su saw his thin lips fret, he was even more guilty.

Had the wedding night been good, if it hadn't been for the reason that they had fallen into the sea by themselves, they would not have been sent to the hospital.

"Do you know what you said when you were drunk?" She said with a smile on her face.

At a glance, Moluci didn't remember, but he probably knew what he would say with his personality.

His dazzling face suddenly became unnatural.

"You said you love me," Yan Su smiled. "You didn't say it at the wedding ceremony today, but after that, I'm kind of happy, but you really shouldn't have torn my dresses. , I still want to keep it well. Why are you so powerful? "

Moulixi was embarrassed and thought that she was invincible. She decided to be tough for a few days, but she succumbed to her beauty before night. "

Yan Su grinned, and afterwards she suddenly became stiff. "So we have been in the room this afternoon and haven't been out since?"

Molucy glanced at her lightly. "I don't know. I drank so much wine and woke up more than four o'clock."


Yan Su was embarrassed. He didn't know, so she didn't know.

She drank so much wine and was so physically fit that she made her look like plasticine. She had no energy at all, and was then directly drained by him. She didn't know when he was finished and passed out in advance.

"What about the guests?" Yan Su had the heart to die. There were absolutely no new couples like them, and they were rolled together at noon.

"My mother said my sister gave them away, rest assured," Molucy watched as she was about to collapse, and a gleam of smile oozed under her eyes.

"Can I rest assured," Yan Su's cheeks were uncomfortable, "How can you let me see people in the future."

"My sister declared that you are unwell, and I am with you, everyone can understand," Molucim said indifferently.

"I have no face to face Sang Sang," Yan Su wanted to cry without tears.

Morius snorted. "You have taken her brother away and said nothing."

Yan Su thought sadly, now that Sang Sang must think that she had taken his brother away from her bed, she was really wrong.

"Don't choke, open your mouth," Molucy ordered, a piece of chicken stuffed directly into her mouth.

Yan Su chewed, sweet and sweet.

I used to come by myself every time I got sick. Now my husband is still different. Even if my husband is regenerating, he is still ready to eat on the bed.

"Luxi, you eat too."

"What's it called," Molucy looked lazily.

"... husband," Yan Su changed abruptly, "but you are not unusual during the day, so I call you that."

"I'm not rare, but didn't you call it yourself, did I force you," Molucippi asked with a smile.

"... No," Yan Su laughed. "I volunteered."

"Really good," Moluci said. "You said you married you. I have to go to the hospital for the candles. This is not the same as I thought before. I originally planned to go back to our carefully decorated villa One night, earth-shaking, and then flying to Finland the next day, and then a few nights, and now it's gone, who will compensate me for my wedding night. "

Yan Su suddenly felt her legs tremble.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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