Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1543: Reunion

Chapter 1543 Reunion

Feng Jichuan handed his business card, and Nian Xi continued to pretend to translate it, "Can you go and look inside, if you can, I would like to meet with your person in charge here. Now the salmon in Northern Europe and Canada are particularly expensive. We are here to find a new supplier. I heard you are doing a lot here, and the price can be negotiated. "

The guard looked at them up and down, "You wait."

After speaking, he walked into the security hall and dialed a phone. After a while, a dark-skinned man came out. Both sides handed in a business card. Nian Xi and the two learned that he was the manager of Mosa here.

Mossa took them inside, and when he went in, he saw a lot of large and small fresh tuna hanging in the factory. Some were being dissected, the temperature was relatively low, and there was a fishy smell everywhere. Some people thought Gagging.

Hearing Mosa's introduction all the way, Nian Xi kept watching all the way.

As an excellent criminal police officer, she soon discovered that there was something wrong with it, especially those who had fish-killing bodies and arms were extremely strong. If they were killing fish all year round, they would not necessarily have such a body.

Passing through a factory, Nian Xi looked at a factory building in the back and asked, "Is there tuna in there?"

"That's the freezer and other people's goods," Mossa smiled. "It's not for outsiders to see. This is the scale of ours. You just saw it. These tuna have just been caught from the sea. You can taste it. taste."

He said to take them to the office, head on, a thin and thin figure came out from the back of the factory building. Under the blazing sun, he could clearly see each other's features, the corners of his mouth were covered with dregs, white shirts, and a pair of slippers on his feet. There is a faint scar on the right cheek, a pair of eyes, and an unusually gloomy and cold.

Suddenly, Nian Xi felt her head buzzing, and the poisonous sun over her head made her a little dizzy.

I've seen him in photos before, but it has never been clearer at this moment.

Had she not leaned against Feng Jichuan for most of her body, she might have been unstable.

Feng Jichuan also quickly swung her waist, making her suddenly sober.

Jiang Yanning, who was opposite, also saw the two, but there was no fluctuation in that face, but his eyes dropped, and then he approached them casually.

"Mr. Jiang," Mossa smiled when he saw him, "how did you come out today?"

Jiang Yanning gave him an expressionless look, then asked gently: "Are you buying it?"

"Yes, I took them to try the tuna," Mossa said.

Jiang Yanning frowned, thinking for a few seconds, "Is it fresh? Give me some."

"Wait a minute, I'll wait ..."

Moosa did not finish, Jiang Yongning had already strode into the office.

Nian Xi pretends to be a smile and asks: "This is ... seems to be a Chinese."

"Yes, he is a relative of our boss, and tuna cuts very well," Mosa smiled, "but probably will soon become our boss's son-in-law."

"Really," Nian Xi glanced at the figure in front of her and said nothing to the other side. She couldn't help pinching Jichuan's meat.

Feng Jichuan was terribly painful, but he could only bear it desperately.

He felt that he was really unlucky, and his ex-girlfriend and boyfriend had to get angry with him if something went wrong, was it easy for him?

"Is he worthy of your lady," Nian Xi whispered to Mossa, "his face is disfigured."

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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