Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1545: He is powerless

Chapter 1545: He Is Powerless

Nian Xi took a closer look at Manda's picture.

In the end, it is good-looking, but it is definitely not good-looking, and the whole fox portrait.

And like this bad girl, it's time to grab and shoot.

In another encrypted file, Jiang Yanning also brought one of the most important information. The TOX organization had a covert operation in Manuka on April 19th. It was not clear what it was, but it should be related to dark energy.

In the past two years, Jiang Yongning has leaked some research results in order to gain organizational trust.

Feng Jichuan took a deep breath after reading all the content in the memory. "Jiang Ningning said that their organization has used dark energy to develop an invisible umbrella, which is why he can obtain it in the organization. Reason for trust because he made a significant contribution to this umbrella. "

Everyone looked at each other, and Lei Yichen said incredibly, "Can such a thing really be made?"

"Science is advancing with the times. It ’s just that some countries that violate the law are not allowed to develop in that area, but it does not mean that it cannot be done," Feng Jichuan said. "The United States once planned to develop a quantum stealth garment. In in-depth research, but to achieve complete invisibility has not been invented, but Jiang Yongning said that although the TOX organization has researched out, but the production materials are too expensive and the cost is too high. At present, there is only one sample. After the contract is completed, the money can be produced on a large scale. This time, Manuka's action may be to sign a large contract. "

Shen Bing blew, "This is terrible. If this kind of thing is sold, the consequences are simply unthinkable, and Jiang Mining should never have developed this kind of thing."

"If he doesn't do this, how can he gain trust," Nian Xi couldn't help but, "He will always be detained by their organization. How can he tell us the information of these criminals, and they have more than one dangerous project."

"Nian Xi was right," Feng Jichuan said solemnly. "Jiang Ning threw a fishing lure. Now these fish are about to run out. We must catch all the fish that have leaked the net. I will report to the above. This time Be sure to catch all of their main executives. Everyone has a good rest these days and then goes to Manuka together. "

After the meeting, Feng Jichuan was going to return to the room, and Nian Xi chased him up. "Will Jiang Yongning go this time on the trip to Manuka, if he does not go, will he be in danger here after the action? But there is nothing to do with chickens. "

"He doesn't know if he will go," Feng Jichuan frowned. "You can rest assured that our people will not all leave ..."

"I'll stay," Nian Xi said, "I'm staring at the fish farm. If he passes, we'll go together. If he is in danger, I'll save him."

Feng Jichuan rubbed his eyebrows, "Nian Xi, no matter what, I don't want you to enter the fish farm. You saw it today, and they are not allowed to enter in many places. What's going on inside, whether there is an ambush, it's not clear. And in a local economy like Samoa, the economy is already in a slump, and there are especially many criminals. You ca n’t expect their local department ... "

"I'll be flexible," Nian Xi interrupted him. "Anyway, I will put the task first and never expose it in advance."

Fourth more. The above scientific content is purely my fantasy. Haha. . . It's just that I think the future of science is full of possibilities.

(End of this chapter)

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