Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1553: She looks after you, it ’s your blessing

Chapter 1553: She Sees You, It's Your Blessing

After a while, the door opened.

Jiang Yanning opened his eyes weakly, and recognized that the servants were here, as well as the powerful bodyguard Chrisson next to Manda. This Christian was from Samoa and had a height of 9.95 meters and a figure Especially strong, at least Jiang Yongning has rarely seen such a strong foreigner.

And he's seen Chrisson's skills. Okay, it's a little scary.

Nian Xi and him stood together like a rabbit and met a lion.

Although Nian Xi's skill is certainly not weak, he is certainly not a rival to Chrisson.

He just didn't expect Manda to keep Chris.

You must not let Nian Xi find him.

"Mr. Jiang, are you okay," the nanny was taken aback when he saw blood in the towel wrapped around his arm, "I'll call the doctor right away."

"No need," Jiang Yongning said coldly. "You can bring me the medicine box. I'll do it myself."

Christine stared at his arm without a word.

When Manda got out of the room this morning, he saw it. To be honest, he looked down on a person like Jiang Yongning. He was shorter than himself and his body was thinner and thinner than himself. He could pinch with any hand. Damn him, isn't that just a little more stuff in my head, I really don't understand how the young lady likes this kind of person.

It was just that he quickly found that the towel wrapped on his arm was a bit strange. It stands to reason that if a person hurts his right hand, it is impossible to use his left hand to wrap it so well, and the knot on the top can be beaten even if it is barely hit So perfect?

It was almost as if someone had bandaged him.

A suspicion made Chris instantly alert, and he looked around indifferently.

Jiang Yanning also noticed, there was a dip in his eyes, and he calmly said, "Why didn't you go with Manda?"

"Miss can't worry, let me stay and take care of you," Chris glanced at his skin hiding under his shirt, where there were faint kiss marks.

He was surprised to find out what happened to the lady and him last night.

"It's really worrying," Jiang Yanning said, "I'm the safest to leave."

Chris narrowed his eyes, grabbed the arm position on his hand and lifted him off the sofa a bit, "I warn you, speak to the lady politely, and I admit that you have made some contributions to the organization these two days, But Miss is always Miss, she looks after you, it is your blessing, don't give shame to your face. "

Jiang Yanning's wound was squeezed by him fiercely, and his pain turned pale for a moment, and cold sweat was seeping from his forehead.

At half a moment, he ripped his lips, sneer indifferently. "Then you remember how much I contribute to the organization and how much money I make each year, and what contribution do you make?"

Chris' eyes were faint.

"Don't make people chill," Jiang Yanning said indifferently, "I trusted you, not your uncle."

Chris stared at him silently, let go of him, and suddenly went into the bathroom.

Jiang Mining sank in his heart, knowing that he must be doubtful.

If you have faced a person like him before, there is nothing to be afraid of, but now he is here, he can't carry any weapons, and it is no exaggeration to say that he has no power to bind chickens.

"Ah ..." He murmured suddenly.

The maid on the side quickly rushed over, "Mr. Jiang, wait a minute, I'll get you a medicine box."

Chris ignored his movements and pushed open the bathroom door.

"Please help me wet a towel," Jiang Mining said.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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