Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1574: I heard him talk about you, are you her ex-girlfriend

Chapter 1574: I Have Heard About You Also, Are You Her Ex Girlfriend

"I didn't stare at you," Jiang Mining blinked, staring at him casually, "don't think too much."

After speaking, he tightened Nian Xi's shoulders tightly.

Feng Jichuan was a bit stuck.

Well, this guy will pretend now, okay, surely there is no white undercover.

Nian Xi heard that, and she pinched Xiajiang Yongning's thigh, "Yes."

Jiang Yanning's brow frowned, and he was all forced by the situation.

Approaching forward, Cheng Feng took the lead and held Jiang Yongning's hand. "Professor Jiang, you have really worked hard these days. The TOX organization is currently a tumor in many countries. Some of the illegal research they have done has harmed many people. This time you have arrested a total of 200 illegal scientific researchers who have fled from all over the world. This is all a loss to you. "

"Just grab it," Jiang Yanning said with a smile. "I can go back and continue to study physics with confidence."

Cheng Feng smiled. "I told your parents about your affairs a few days ago. They are very happy that you are still alive, but it has not been easy these years. After all, they think you are gone."

Jiang Yanning froze, his eyes darkened. In order to conceal the truth, he never even said his parents, because they are both scientific researchers. He was afraid that the people organized by TOX would also lurk in the country secretly. After all, the circle of scientific researchers also Just so big.

"Our family ... didn't move," he asked hesitantly.

"No, your parents are still in the old house in Beijing," Cheng Feng said. "Go back early to see it. Our director will give you a prize tomorrow. I'm bothering you to come to the Central Bureau. We will take part in this operation at night. Colleagues pick up the wind for you. "

"No," Jiang Yanning shook his head directly, with a light tone. "None of these are important to me. I just want to spend more time with my parents, with my girlfriend, and then get married as soon as possible. I have no interest in anything else. I don't want to waste time. "

He was really rude.

Cheng Feng stumbled for a while, and Nian Xi quickly explained, "Captain Cheng, he is such a person. He had never dealt with people before, and he was injured again after leaving home for three years. He really needed to get back on track. . "

"It's okay, we are the police, and have dealt with any kind of people," Cheng Feng waved with a smile. "We just thank Mr. Jiang, but we don't know how to thank him, but I also think badly. I forgot that Mr. Jiang was still injured, but the medal still has to be given. I will send it tomorrow. When you get married, you must remember to send us an invitation card, and we will all attend. "

"Thank you Captain Cheng," Nian Xi was flattered. She was also the captain, but her position was not comparable.

At this time, the female police officer on the side of Cheng Feng came to Feng Jichuan and asked softly, "Ji Chuan, I heard that you were also injured this time ..."

"Slightly injured," Feng Jichuan was silent for a while, then turned to Nian Xi in a complicated mood, "Xi Xi, this is my girlfriend Xu Dannan, she is from the second team."

"Hello," Nian Xi quickly shook hands with the other side, and said with a generous smile, "It's beautiful to hear Ji Chu said of you."

"You are also beautiful," Xu Dannan looked at her, "I heard him talk about you, are you her ex-girlfriend?"


Everyone around us cast a weird look, and Nian Xi smiled, "It's all old things."

Fourth, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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