Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1578: Can this still marry the Jiang family?

Chapter 1578: Can This Still Marry The Jiang Family

But it's been so long, Jiang Fei also mentioned this pot of flowers, and it seems that he takes them very seriously.

If it was said that he was raised by himself, could he still marry into the Jiang family.

"I just want to know how you raised that pot of flowers," Jiang Fei reluctantly smiled. "That pot of flowers is very difficult to raise."

Jiang Mining also looked at Nian Xi curiously. He remembered that Nian Xi could raise the number of flowers and grasses that could be the toughest bluegrass. Although he gave the pot of flowers to Nian Xi, he was always taking care of himself. Later he left Although some fertilizer was left, it is not sure whether Nianxi can take care of it.

Nian Xi faced the sight of their family and died silently. The Jiang Fei and the husband looked at her and forget about it. What Jiang Jiangning looked at, did she not know her character?

"It's okay, and it's very good," Nian Xi pretended to be casual, "I have to keep such a rare variety."

Jiang Fei breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good. It took me ten years to cultivate the pot flower. Who knows that the boy stole the flower while I wasn't paying attention to it?"

After he had spoken, he glanced at Nian Xi secretly, and it was all about this. If the future daughter-in-law is smart, he should be very acquainted with the flower and return it.

Nian Xi is both big and big. She pretends that he can't hear Jiang Fei's words, nods his head sternly, and looks serious. "I didn't expect it to be so valuable, uncle, don't worry, I will take good care of it. Yes, rest assured. "

Jiang Fei: "..."

He didn't mean that.

Just wanting to ask again, Shi Qingtong felt that Nian Xi came to the house for the first time, and her husband was biting a pot of flowers without slackening it. He was too embarrassed and interrupted directly. This evening in Beijing this month is still a bit cold, let's advance the house. "

"Good class," Nian Xi quickly followed Shi Qingtong to the courtyard, relieved.

After entering the hospital, she was surprised to find that a lot of exotic flowers and plants were planted in the courtyard, as well as pine and cypress trees, and some of her names were never seen. In short, only a stone pavement was left in the middle to go to the lobby.

Shi Qingtong explained to her, "Yuning's father is a biologist, and he especially likes to study these flowers, plants, stones, animals, etc. These are all planted by him. The big stone in the garden does not know where he got it from. It is said that it was from the Tang Dynasty. "

Nian Xi suddenly nodded.

After entering the hall, I found that it was different from other people's living room. Other people's vases and paintings were filled with animal skeletons and various plant specimens.

There was an aisle to the right of the hall to the room. Nian Xi narrowed her eyes at random, and then she frightened back a few steps and leaned on Jiang Yanning.

It was now at night, the aisle was not lit, and the cold moonlight came in. At the end of the aisle, a skeleton seemed to stand, gloomy.

Jiang Yanning quickly supported her, followed her gaze and laughed, "Xi Xi, wouldn't you be afraid of that thing, what is there to fear, isn't it just an orangutan skeleton."


What does not mean is an orangutan skeleton.

In the heart of Nian Xi, ten thousand grass-mud horses rushed past, who would be scared by a skeleton in the corridor, can it scare people at night?

"How can you ... put such precious things on the home aisle," Nian Xi stuttered.

"That's not the real orangutan skeleton, I copied it," Jiang Fei said contentedly. "Want to go and see, it's definitely the same as the real one."

Fourth more. Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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