Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1588: Xixi, you are like my grandma ...

Chapter 1588 Xi Xi, you are like my grandma ...

Nian Xi was relieved. When she broke into the villa early, she was quite afraid of the criticism from her superiors.

"But ..." Cheng Feng paused, his eyes gradually became serious, "Can't say that you are enough to be an excellent international police detective. This time, it is special for you to agree to go, after all, you are Jiang Yining's daughter. Friends, if you want to officially join, you have to go through layers of screening. If you want, I can give you an application form ... But you have to think clearly. When you become an Interpol, all cases are handled abroad. Will often run abroad ... with your family will be more together, less and more ... "

Nian Xi thought for a while and shook her head. "I'll go back to Xiacheng. I think as long as I'm a police officer, I will contribute to the people no matter where they are."

Cheng Feng was not surprised, nodded, "You have done a good job in Xiacheng for the past two years, you work hard, you are still so young, and you have a bright future."

Nian Xi smiled and thanked.

Nian Xi came downstairs, Jiang Yongning drove the car over, staring at her with bright eyes, "praise?"

"Praise, are you the biggest contributor to this mission?" Nian Xi put on his seat belt and told him the truth, "Sunning, I decided to return to Xiacheng to be a police officer, although Interpol is very high , But often away from home, I find that I now want to spend more time with you and your family. "

Jiang Yanning nodded hard and was relieved. In fact, he didn't want her to become the Interpol, and didn't want him to be too far away from him. "Xi Xi, I'll accompany you back to Xiacheng tomorrow."

Nian Xi reluctantly, "Did I not say in the morning that you should spend more time with your parents?"

Jiang Yanning's frown in silence did not mean that he didn't care about his parents, but even if he and his parents had met several times a year, everyone was used to this way.

Nian Xizhengzheng, "Sunning, I know that your family is actually engaged in scientific research. They are devoted to research and ignore family relationships, but they cannot say that parents do not care about you. I can see that you and your parents are apart from doing research. There is no common topic, but at their age, it really is nothing more than companionship. You can spend time with your father and your mother and chat with your mother. I believe they will be very happy. "

"Also, you leave for three years without a word, so that they are scared and frightened. Even if you want to go undercover, you are sorry for them. In short, it is wrong for parents to worry about their children."

Jiang Yanning was stunned by what she said, after a while, scratching her head, "Xi Xi, haven't you bothered your parents?"


Nian Xi was guilty. "Because I am a police officer, my parents are often frightened, so I am very sorry for them, especially in the past three years, I have spent too little time with them."

Jiang Yaning watched her silently. He had never thought of such a thing before, and the elders might have said it, but he had never been interested in listening to others. In fact, Nian Xi was not only like his girlfriend, but also an elder "Xi Xi, you are like my grandma ..."

Nian Xi: "..."

Why is she like his grandma? Can she still have a good chat?

"Okay, you can shut up," Nian Xi raised her hand. "It's still early, I'll accompany you to the mall and buy some gifts for your parents."

"Okay, buy some for your parents, too," Jiang Yanning smiled and showed a row of white teeth. "Did you just say that I'm sorry for your parents, your parents are my parents, all the same, buy things Buy both. "

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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