Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1594: Today Dad said you are superficial

Chapter 1594: Dad Says You Are Superficial Today

The Murong people looked at each other for a while, and they said nothing. After all, the two men separated for three years. Xi Xi had never known anyone else. It can be seen that Nian Xi really identified Jiang Yongning, and three years ago, they also treated Jiang Yongning. Satisfied, now I just want to see Nian Xi get married earlier and they are satisfied to be elders.

Lausanne came here in the evening. She first hid with Nian Xidao. "Congratulations, finally I can see the moon and the moon."

"Yes, our relationship is more rugged than you," Nian Xi said with emotion, "but true love is always full of twists and turns."

Nian Junting snorted in disapproval. "What kind of ruggedness are you guys and haven't broke up? Am I broke up? I've been abandoned. You won't understand the pain."

Lausanne is speechless. Are these two siblings worse than anyone else?

"Mom ..." At this moment, Little Apple ran over and hugged Lausanne's thigh. "Dad said today that you are superficial."

The young Jun Ting's face changed, and the boy knew the complaint all day long, "Lolo ..."

He looked worriedly at his wife.

Lausanne smiled and touched Little Apple's small head. "Your father is right, I'm just superficial, otherwise why would I marry him?"

Little Apple froze and suddenly came to understand, "Mom, what you said makes sense."

Jun Ting's face was dark, and the two mothers and sons began to work together against him again.


After dinner at Murong's house, Nian Junting drove them to his old house.

Nian Xi and Nian's family explained Jiang Yongning's story again, and everyone readily understood.

The next day, Nian Xi took a good rest at home and started working.

It happened on Monday to catch up with the conference in the bureau. The people in the bureau hadn't reached Nianxi for a while, and saw her for a while.

The team leader of the detachment smiled and walked over and patted Nian Xi's shoulder. "Captain Nian, you are not going wrong."

"Oh?" Nian Xi raised her eyebrows. She was quite wrong with this tour captain. The Interpol captain will be transferred in two years. The following people want to take the post. The tour captain also wants to add the year. Xi is the youngest in the detachment, so many captains refused to accept her. Previously, Xi wanted to rush forward with a heart, but now she has a balanced mindset and is thinking about getting married to live.

The tour team smiled. "Now in the bureau, who doesn't know that your captain has taken a major case with the Interpol over the past few days. He should have entered the Central Bureau. Congratulations."

Nian Xi waved his lips and said, "I just temporarily transferred to make up for the manpower. Now that the case is over, I will be back. Captain Yu, you are really joking. How can the Central Bureau be like I can enter casually."

The tour captain's face froze, thinking she was leaving, so she could lose a competitor.

Nian Xi waved his lips and said, "I just temporarily transferred to make up for the manpower. Now that the case is over, I will be back. Captain Yu, you are really joking. How can the Central Bureau be like I can enter casually."

The captain of the tour team raised an eyebrow. "It's the same. I saw Captain Feng came back last time. I must have the opportunity to cooperate with Interpol this time. Presumably, Captain Feng also said hello."

The angle of Nian Xi's mouth was slightly sinking. It was not ironic that she was able to go out to perform the task this time through relationships. Go tell the director about this, and I said that you think the people on the Interpol are so confused, just find a relationship and you can perform the task. "

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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