Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1599: You guys talk, I ... went to Nian Xi to prove

Chapter 1599 You Are Chatting, I ... Did With The Nian Xi

The next day, Xi woke up, found something in his hand, opened it, and found that it was an hukou book.

Last night things came to her head intermittently, and her embarrassed face burst into fever.

I didn't expect that I would do such a thing, making it seem like I really want to get married.

When I went downstairs, I was a bit embarrassed, and Qingqing Yun said angrily, "Well, let's not lose the hukou."

"Dad ..." Nian Xi shook his eyes with a smile, "Isn't he drunk last night?"

Young grandma smiled. Qingyun told them this morning that "you two have been so long together, it's time to get married. Su Ning is a good man, brave and kind."

The old man also rarely nodded. Before, he thought that Jiang Yanning was too introverted and not too sunny, but after this incident, he also admired from the bottom of his heart, "I'll let your brother book a place at noon, and the two will eat together. rice."

"Thank you grandpa," Nian Xi smiled.

After having breakfast, she took a break and drove to the airport to pick up Jiang Yongning. There was a traffic jam on the road. By then, the Jiang Yongning family had already come out.

After getting in the car, Jiang Yanning decisively sat in the co-driver's seat, and then dragged Nian Xi's hand, with affection, "Xi Xi ..."

"Well," Nian Xi thought he would say something like "I miss you". She was still a little embarrassed. After all, Jiang's father and mother were sitting in the back.

"Has the household registration book been taken?" Who wants to say the next sentence, Jiang Mining pulled out his own registration book directly from the bag, "I have brought it."

Shi Qingtong gave his son a vain look, and looked at his son's virtues, and he seemed to have no restraint.

Nian Xi was embarrassed and answered vaguely, "Bring it."

Jiang Yanning burst into an eyebrow and laughed.

Jiang Fei was not very embarrassed and said, "Nian Xi, you told your parents that you didn't have to, but you still need your parents' consent."

"They all agreed," Nian Xi laughed, "I agreed three years ago."

Jiang Fei and Shi Qingtong were relieved. Before coming, they also inquired about Xuan Yuanlang's affairs about the Nian family. At first, they didn't know that. Nian family didn't expect such a background, especially Nian Xi. As a daughter, it was almost golden The key was born, but she tried to be a policeman by herself. After understanding, the Jiang Fei and his wife liked Nian Xi even more.

But it is also clear that the Jiang family is not bad in terms of conditions, and it is very superior. But compared to Nian Xi's brother and Nian Xi's mother, their wealth is definitely not as good as theirs. Not as good as the Jiang family.

In fact, it is the right account.

Is it just the genetic inheritance? It is a bit difficult for the couple to regret to think that their grandchildren will also become scientists in the future.

At twelve forty, the two officially met.

Nian Qingyun and Jiang Fei shook with emotion when shaking hands. "It's been three years since I met this time. I finally met."

"Isn't it? The children are good at it," Jiang Fei laughed.

After a few greetings, the process of discussing marriage was very smooth. After all, the family was not short of money, and the Jiang family was not a stingy person. They soon discussed it properly, and then everyone started to talk about it.

At two o'clock, Jiang Yanning looked at the meaning of not leaving the field, can't wait to stand up, "Parents, you talk, I'm ... and Nian Xi to pull the card, the Civil Affairs Bureau is about to work."

The crowd stunned for a while, then laughed.

The first one is, the fast ending of Nian Xi. . .

(End of this chapter)

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