Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1602: I'm a little scared, you won't abandon me halfway

Chapter 1602 I'm A little Scared, You Will Not Abandon Me Halfway Away

"A university in Nanjing also asked me to take a few lessons for students in the astronomy department," Shi Qingtong said.

Nian Xi lamented that as a scientific researcher, the people in the Jiang family were really busy. "Uncle, you still have to pay attention to your body when you go to the west. The environment there is very harsh."

"Rest assured, my uncle runs in the mountains all the year round, my health is very good, and people like me have to die in scientific research in order to survive," Jiang Fei said deeply, "Nian Xi, I will take care of you We will rest assured that you will leave me alone and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. "

Jiang Yanning really couldn't wait, and pulled Nianxi away.

On the way, Nian Xi drove. Jiang Yongning was sitting in the co-pilot position, twisting his body constantly, sometimes closing the window and sometimes opening it.

"What are you doing, have you been long?" Nian Xi said politely.

"I ... nervous," Jiang Yanning said quietly. "Suddenly getting married, uneasy, will you be good to me forever, will you always love me, I'm a little scared, you won't abandon me halfway."


Nima, is this kind of thing usually asked by girls?

"There is nothing to worry about," Nian Xi held his hand. She wasn't really nervous. She was still excited in the morning, but she wasn't excited anymore, but she was very calm. Maybe I think this is just a matter of course. I will definitely not want you. "

Jiang Yining nodded honestly, he had no merit, but he listened to his wife in particular.

After arriving at the Civil Affairs Bureau, the two got their licenses and got married. The procedure was actually quite simple.

After doing it well, the two came out, the sun poured down from the treetops, and Nian Xi had mixed feelings. It was easy to hear such things from others' mouths, but only she knew how difficult it was to get to today.

"Xi Xi, where do you go now," Jiang Yanning turned around and asked happily, "Let's go out for a while and eat out at night."

"Of course I have to move," Nian Xi said a little bit distressed. "Since you are married, you will definitely live with me in the future. Live with me or live with you, I am free, but if you live with me, I have Your laboratory, living with you, is too far away from where I work ... "

Jiang Yongning didn't worry at all, but laughed, "I know where to go, you follow me."

Nian Xi was puzzled, but still followed him to get in the car, but after he drove the car and asked his address, he suddenly scratched his hair and couldn't remember, "I called to ask Uncle Han."

After he said, he got out of the car with his mobile phone and sneaked out to fight.

After coming back up, Nian Xi's yin and yang said strangely: "What can't be said in front of me, we have only been married for a few minutes, and you have something to hide from me."

"You'll know after a while, I'm going to surprise you," Jiang Yanning said very seriously.

Nian Xi hushed in her heart, and she knew she was going to be pleasantly surprised. Yes, she still made progress after getting married.

She drove directly to the address he said. It was a neighborhood near her company called Huanxi Garden, which was backed by the park. The neighborhood was small, but they were all bungalows, and there were several villas inside.

"Don't tell me you bought a house here," Nian Xi said in surprise. If it was true, she would still be very happy. It is really close to where she works.

"You guessed it just now, it's boring," Jiang Mining was particularly frustrated.

Fourth more

(End of this chapter)

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