Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1623: The baby I said is of course your mother

Chapter 1623 The Baby I Said Of course Is Your Mom

Junting Tiao pouted her mouth, keeping a little distance from her, lest she really do this.

Lausanne was almost furious at him, "You can't go here, you can't go there. To put it bluntly, don't you just want me to go to the beach with you, no matter how beautiful the sea is, you can't stand it even for a few years, you Look at them in Luci. Either go to see the cherry blossoms in the hot springs, or go to the snow, or go to Switzerland to ski or go to Dubai. I do n’t expect you to learn from others. You do n’t expect you to go with me, but do n’t overdo it. Stop wherever I go. "

Jun Ting felt a wave of anger coming, and he could feel his wife angry even after being dull.

He is aggrieved, he is not the kind that will not change, if she asks for it, and bring her by the way, he will agree.

"I tell you, I must go in Xinjiang, lest you worry about your son being taken away by a water monster, I decided to take my parents with me. Our family of three was taken away, so you can change your wife," Lausanne hummed. He dropped his rag and walked away.

The average annual Ting is depressed.

The two did not move very much, but because Lausanne's face was really bad, Nian Xi was particularly helpless to walk in front of his brother. Now. "

"It's all because you have to go to Tibet," Nian Junting sneered at her, "I wish you the wind and the sun will turn into the color of the meat elbow."

Nian Xi: "..."

It's too vicious.

Even if she was polite to her guests in her own home, she didn't want to ignore him anymore.

So Nian Junting ignored his wife, his sister ignored him, his son ignored him, and Ning Qingyun looked at him unpleasantly, which made him boring in the end.

Playing alone for a while, he couldn't help but get in front of Lausanne, but because of a son sitting next to Lausanne, he squeezed the apple tightly.

Little Apple protested, "Don't squeeze me."

Jun Ting ignored her, but said to Lausanne, "Baby, shall we go with Little Apple to watch the bear come out tonight?"

"Okay," Little Apple nodded happily, "I agree, go now"

"I didn't ask you, I asked your mother," Nian Junting gave him a faint look.

"You said baby just now," Little Apple raised his head.

Junting Nian: "The baby I said is of course your mother. Don't just sit in the seat."

Little Apple: "..."

Lausanne rubbed his eyebrows and said coldly, "You take the little apples, I'll go home later."

Little Apple pulled her mother's sleeve. "Mom, are you going? I don't want to go with my father. He is boring and doesn't understand anything."

The average annual tinger was cold, did he need to understand those naive movies.

However, it was better for him to remain silent at this time. After all, Lausanne didn't want to go, he didn't want to go, frankly, he really had no interest in the kind of movie that bears appeared, but he wanted to use his son to please his wife.

Lausanne looked at his son's appearance and sighed. Although it was the anger of the average year old, the two did not accompany the son to the movie for a long time. "Okay, mother goes with you."

The average annual Ting breathed a sigh of relief. "Then I'll buy a ticket."

There was a trip at exactly 8:30. After booking the tickets, the average annual ting took them away.

Looking at the back of his brother's departure, Nian Xi couldn't help but said to Murong Cheng: "My brother has no idea what shame is."

First more. Something happened today. The second chapter update should be late.

(End of this chapter)

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