Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1626: A handsome uncle behind you has been watching you

Chapter 1626 There Is A Handsome Uncle Behind You

After watching it for an hour, the average annual Ting did not return. She took the phone and watched the time. By the way, she swept a circle of friends. The president sent a circle of friends five minutes ago. To the north of the city, just on Sunday, the subway was so crowded that it was almost a stop, but no matter how hard and tired it was, I had to love our big darling the most.

Below are photos of him in a long pile into the subway. There are at least a dozen people in line in front of each row, and the entire subway station is crowded.

Murong Cheng commented on the first floor: You deserve it.

Nian Xi comment: You deserve +1.

Xiao wanton comment: Lausanne has always been empathetic, is it because you have been mad at her again?

Yan Su commented: Suddenly I wanted to drink a bit too much. I asked my family to buy it.

Mo Liuxi replied to Yan Su: …….

Lausanne wanted to laugh, sometimes he really hated him and itching, but sometimes he was a little bit angry, just like now, he was very angry before obviously, but seeing him in such a long line, There was also a painful snack that shouldn't have made him buy and drink at the peak of the rest day.


At the end of the movie, Lausanne took the little apple out, and the young average-year-old appeared with a shameless face, holding his things. He looked really bad, sweating all over, and the shoes were covered with shoe marks.

When he arrived in front of him, he handed the carton to Lausanne. "Luo Luo, the subway is too crowded, and the box for the cake is squeezed a little."

Lausanne sighed, took the cake and grapefruit, "OK, go back."

"Lolo, I'm so tired," Nian Junting put her hands on her shoulders and bent down, "Would you like to kiss me?"

Lausanne was really distressed, but when he saw his base, he stepped on the back of his shoe, "Did you forget how you offended me tonight?"

Ting Jun Ting frowned and was silent for a moment.

The three walked out of the movie theater and averaged out to drive a car. Lausanne hugged his son by the side of the road and waited.

Little Apple wanted to eat cake, and Lausanne opened it and fed him two spoons. Little Apple suddenly looked behind her and said, "Mom, a handsome uncle behind you has been watching you."

Lausanne looked back and saw a man wearing an ordinary shirt standing at the door of the convenience store next to him. The light on his head fell on his black short hair, and his eyes were slightly illusory and shy.

The other side also looked at her, with various expressions flashing in her eyes, with embarrassment, haste, joy, and sadness.

Lausanne watched him pause for a while, until the other side hesitated to walk in front of him, look at her, and look at the children around her. The tone was slightly cramped, "Sang Sang, is this your child, so old?"

"Well, I'm going to primary school," Lausanne never expected to meet Yi Jingxi again. He hadn't seen him since he was in jail. She hated him for bones before, but then he didn't hate after he was in jail, and she also I want to understand. If it weren't for Yi Jingxi's past events, I wouldn't have my own happiness now, "You ... have been released from prison?"

"Well," Yi Jingxi nodded, and said in a complex mood, "Because I performed very well in prison, so I came out two years in advance. Sorry, you may not want to see me, I just went out to buy something. thing……."


The young average guy who just came by car suddenly saw a tall young man talking with his wife. His chest was tight. Now there are too many crazy bees and waves. His wife and his children all have someone to talk to. So shameless.

Fourth more, continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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