Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1631: Don't you think it's too late

Chapter 1631: Don't You Think It's Too Late

Nian Xi was very annoyed, and wanted to flip the door directly and lock it, letting him blow out the cold wind for a night, but think about it after all, it came out on the first day after all, if there was a cold, it would be troublesome, especially here is the plateau again, said Maybe they can only go home.

So forget it.

But he just took a breath and couldn't sleep. He put on his coat and went upstairs to find him.

On the empty roof, Jiang Yining was sitting on a small bench with a tripod alone. He didn't know what he was doing. He looked at the night sky for a while, and then took a book and remembered something.

She didn't notice it when she walked by. Nian Xi saw that there were some data in his book, densely packed, and she couldn't understand anyway.

He was too serious, and she didn't notice when she walked in front of her, until Nian Ximin looked in front of his telescope, "What the **** are you looking at?"

"Xi Xi, why are you here?" Jiang Yanning quickly stood up and held her shoulder. "Do you want to see it, come, I can teach you, let's watch the moon first."

He quickly moved the telescope. It wasn't that Nian Xi hadn't touched the telescope when he was a kid, but he hasn't seen it so clearly. The moon is not hazy, and the colors are dark and light. She was really curious at first, but she soon couldn't mention it. Get interested.

Jiang Yanning said with interest, "It's not good to watch here, it's not empty enough, it's really clear when we get to Ali."

"Uh-huh, but it's all a little bit. Tomorrow we will go to the Potala Palace, shouldn't we go back to bed?" Nian Xi sighed, originally annoyed, but she has a scientific mind, and she cannot hinder her dream.

"It's so late," Jiang Mining said for a moment, then he apologized and stroked his head. "I'm sorry, Xixi, I didn't expect time to pass so fast. You shouldn't wait for me, you should sleep next time."

"I also want to sleep, but if you come in without a room card at night, you still wake me up," Nian Xi said angrily. "And what is the purpose of your coming out this time."

"Look at the stars," Jiang Yongning said without thinking. He has been undercover for the past three years and hasn't watched the stars seriously for a long time.

Nian Xi: "..."

He dare to say.

Realizing that Nian Xi's eyes were getting more and more wrong, Jiang Yanning was stunned for a few seconds, reacted quickly, and stuttered: "Also ... and stay with you ..."

Nian Xi sneered, "Don't you think it's too late?"

Jiang Mining lowered his head in frustration. "I feel like I haven't been to Tibet for a long time. It's a shame to come to such a place without stargazing, but I'm mainly with you. I will watch the stars at night and accompany you during the day. Don't delay. "

Nian Xi sighed in a sullen light. I thought there was no delay. Did you delay my nightdress? Do you know how much a nightdress brought back from Xiacheng? Moreover, it is very cold in Tibet, and there is still a long time to come. If you do n’t rest, it ’s easy to catch a cold. Do n’t even go to Gang Rinpoche, you wo n’t be able to get to Ali. ”

Jiang Yanning was stunned by her, and finally nodded, "Xi Xi, you are very reasonable, I have forgotten this thing, I don't watch it, let's go back."

The two then returned to the room, Jiang Yining went to take a bath, Nian Xi lay on the bed, there was no concern in her heart, and she fell asleep soon.

The next day he was awakened by a warm breath.

She opened her eyes and the quilt was rolled around her waist. Jiang Yanning stared at her like watching thirsty food. "Xi Xi, I didn't wake up on purpose, I was not careful."

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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