Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1638: Provoke alienation

Chapter 1638 Provocation

Suddenly sleepy Nian Xi suddenly felt a cold thing rolling around into the bed. She shrank, opened her eyes, saw Jiang Yanning, and yawned lazily, "Why are you back?"

"I ... met an annoying woman," Jiang Yongning complained.

"Well, oh," Nian Xi was too sleepy, turned over, and fell asleep again.

Jiang Yongning: "..."

He also wanted to complain.


The next day, when Nian Xibian looked at the snow-capped mountains in the distance and brushed her teeth slowly, she suddenly realized, "After I fell asleep last night, did you tell me if any woman was bothering you?"

Jiang Yanning lifted his head from the trunk in a sullen mood.

Nian Xi wondered, "Is there a woman in this remote country to bother you?"

"Ji Min was just yesterday," Jiang Yanning pouted, "I also touched my telescope, Xixi, let's go today, don't go with them, I don't like them."

Nian Xi raised her eyebrows slightly, and she felt that the little girl really didn't know how to avoid a married man. "What else did she say?"

"I don't know, anyway," Jiang Yanning said lowly, and then looked up abruptly. "Xi Xi, I think she thinks of me differently."

Nian Xi was startled. Jiang Jiangning's eyes were strange. This was the sun coming out from the west. He could see the woman's mind. Before his childhood sweethearts did research together every day, why didn't he see his secret love? .

"You don't believe me," Jiang Yanning, actually he is blind, because he doesn't like Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan talks too much, and he keeps talking to Nian Xi, so Nian Xi sometimes has no chance to Talking to himself, he now has to find a way to stir up alienation.

"You can still see what other people think of you now?" Nian Xi smiled gruntly, "Before, you were a rotten tree."

"Xi Xi, why are you so calm," Jiang Yongning frowned. "Aren't you always being overbearing and stingy, you don't allow any woman to think of me, let alone me approaching other women, how have you changed now, I Still appreciate your fierce look before. "


Nian Xi bowed her head and spit out the brushing water in her mouth, rolling her eyes. "Relax, Ji Min is thinking carefully. I look at it early. I have spent so many years in the police station. What kind of people haven't seen me? However, she has a good and simple appearance. In fact, there is a free-spirited heart in her bones, and that Zhao Yufan, whose mouth is sweet, but the uncomfortable point is the slippery tone of the oil cavity. I dare say that these two people must have slept. "

Jiang Yanning was stunned, his mouth opened slightly, and he only dared to be framed secretly. He never thought that Nian Xi was sharper, "No ... no, they ... are so small."

Nian Xi was silent, "Where are twenty-one and twenty-four small? You are too old."

Jiang Yanning pouted his lips depressedly and muttered quietly, "It's as if you are not too far away from others."

"What did you say?" Nian Xi's dangerous gaze passed.

"No ... nothing," Jiang Yanning quickly shook his head. "Xi Xi, have they ever slept? Why didn't they associate with each other? Can you guess?"

"There is a young man and woman named **, who sleeps without responsibility or socializing."

Nian Xi said indifferently, "I said this because when chatting yesterday, although Zhao Yufan was covering up well, there was some frivolity in his eyes. When he met 21-year-old Ji Min, he would definitely use his feet, and Ji Min I can hook you up in the middle of the night,

This shows that this girl must not be at ease, the two men got together and must have slept the first night. "

Second more. . There will be an update later

(End of this chapter)

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