Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1652: I have confidence in my beauty

Chapter 1652: I Have Confidence In My Beauty

"An Lan, please keep your mouth clean," Xu Bo's cold and indifferent face finally cracked. "I have no interest in you, so I don't put much gold on my face."

"Who knows," An Lan hooked his lips, so that the big red bar on his lips became even more wanton.

Xu Bohan couldn't bear it. "Thank you in the mirror and look at yourself now."

An Lan chuckled. "No, I look at myself in the mirror every day. I have confidence in my beauty."

Xu Bohan twitched.

When An Lan saw him not speaking, his eyes laughed even deeper. "Yes, because of your special status, you may deal with it more importantly. It ’s really a coincidence. Will you spend five days in jail together, fate, but how can I say that I am just a little lawyer, can not compare with you. "


Xu Bohan watched her red lips keep turning, and turned away with an unsightly expression on her face.

"Ah, don't go," An Lan quickly followed, "Is it too late to escape now?"

"An Lan, it's enough," Xu Bohan turned back, a pair of cold and charming eyes glanced at her, "If you have this tongue in court, the lawsuit will not lose, let alone the need to abuse the judge behind you vent."

An Lan blushed. "If you are not so indifferent, maybe the lawsuit will not be lost. Extrajudicial but merciless."

Xu Bohan turned around this time and looked straight at her. "I am a judge. I will only draw conclusions from a legal perspective. Just like you are a lawyer, you will only consider issues in terms of how it is beneficial to your client. ,

You think Chen Juanqi was intentionally killed by Lin Hao, but you do n’t have enough evidence. Without conclusive evidence, the crime is not valid, and you are not qualified enough. Do n’t blame anyone on your head. I really doubt it How did you get here today, luck? "

He left without saying a word.

An Lan was ashamed and annoyed, furious, staring at him with a bad temper and saying: "Aren't you going to the bathroom, aren't you going? Don't get urethritis."

Xu Bohan's figure froze and froze. After a few seconds, he walked away with long legs.

An Lan snorted at his back and whispered, "I know you don't want to go to the toilet, maybe you want to sneak into the women's toilet."

Suddenly she felt a bit cold, but fortunately she had just come out early, otherwise he might have seen it.

She will stay away from him in the future.

Hurrying downstairs, Yan Wen had been waiting for her by the side of the car for a while, seeing An Lan rushing over, her eyes glared strangely.

"Come on, get in the car," An Lan unlocked his BMW with the key.

"Eh ..." Yan Wen pointed awkwardly at the corner of his mouth. "Attorney An, on your mouth ..."

An Lan stunned in her heart, and quickly took out the mirror to take a look. A lipstick bar on her lips slid directly to the position of the right side of her nose. She was particularly eye-catching. She suddenly remembered that the person on the edge of the elevator just looked at her a few times, She was just facing such a big bar and Xu Bohan facing each other for so long in the toilet. What was she confidently saying in front of him?

For a moment, An Lan even had the thought of fainting.

As a rigorous lawyer, she has not been as embarrassed as she is today.

Yan Wen stiffly said, "Mr. An, it doesn't matter. You look so good, even if you put a Peking opera face on your face, it looks good."

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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