Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1662: I wish you were alone

Chapter 1662 Wish You Alone In The Wilderness

She blushed and admitted, "Many agents like to beautify themselves, because no one wants to expose the ugliest side to others, unless it is absolutely necessary."

"So ... the heart is separated by the belly," Xu Bohan still looked indifferent. "Even if I am a judge, I can't admit that in every case I have sentenced to let the real murderer commit the law."

An Lan suddenly felt that this consciousness came later. He said those words before not to ridicule himself.

"Don't get me wrong, I said that these are not like you who think Lin Hao intentionally killed his wife. As a judge, I only believe the evidence in front of me," Xu Bohan added calmly. Procedure to execute the case, then the judge does not need to exist. "

An Lan was silent for a while, indeed, from the standpoint of everyone, the issues he looked at were different.

She can't ask Xu Bohan from the standpoint of lawyers and prosecutors, this is unfair to anyone.

"Are you explaining Lin Hao's case to me?" She was a little confused about her.

"No," Xu Bohan denied, "Just as a lawyer, I feel your legal blindness and ignorance, and I will give you a lesson."

An Lan glared at him fiercely. She was just being mean, and was it necessary to ask more?

She really shouldn't have stayed for dinner just now.

But she stayed, did she just leave so bleakly?

She felt that even if she had to leave, it was necessary to relieve Xu Bohan's half-death once.

Just then, the dishes started to serve.

The first was fresh bamboo shoots. An Lan hurriedly took the chopsticks. Now she just wanted to eat and leave, but she only chopsticks. This taste is beyond words.

Second, the squirrel mandarin fish sells well, but after taking a sip, An Lan can't help but, "Have you ever eaten here before, have you not been sincerely blind dated, so deliberately Let's meet such a bad vegetarian restaurant. "

Xu Bohan frowned, and the food was not good. He recognized it. "I haven't eaten here, but I just saw this shop decorated well when I passed by work and walked."

An Lan said angrily: "Don't you usually go to a good environment shop with friends for dinner?"

"Why should I go to a store with a good environment with my friends," Xu Bohan said stiffly. "I usually go to a regular restaurant with my colleagues. I originally met you at a regular restaurant, but Director Chen said no. "

An Lan: "..."

She really wants to thank Director Chen, otherwise the first blind date will go to a totally uninspired home-style restaurant, and a woman like her who seeks romantic qualities will definitely scare away.

But now think about it, she would rather be scared away.

"You are still alone for a reason," An Lan said sincerely, holding up a tea cup to respect him. "I think you will continue to be single. I wish you would be old in the wild."


Xu Bohan looked at her with a complexion and iron, her body motionless.

Suddenly, An Lan was relieved. She didn't want to bear the burden of insult, but she was n’t embarrassed. She was not embarrassed. When she was about to drink by herself, Xu Bohan suddenly took up a tea cup and touched her. I finally understand why you will be alone until now, and I wish you alone until the day when the sky is falling apart. "

An Lan: "..."

First more. .

(End of this chapter)

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