Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1666: Unexpectedly, Xu Bohan, the poisonous tongue, would come out to help her

Chapter 1666: Extremely Unexpected Xu Pohan Will Run Out To Help Her

The woman was a little dazed by his sharp words, and An Lan was also mistaken. She was Xu Bohan who never expected the poisonous tongue to run out to help her.

Before responding, Xu Bohan went on to say: "Do she know your husband, does she know that junior, she doesn't even know you, the country does not need someone like you to uphold justice, and your behavior is contrary to the law ,

However, I don't think you know anything about law, but I can tell you that if you intentionally destroy public or private property in accordance with Article 275 of the Criminal Law, if the amount is large or there are other serious circumstances, you will be sentenced to imprisonment of less than three years, detention or fine. If the amount is huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to three to seven years in prison. "

An Lan almost gave her a thumbs up, and she was indeed a judge. This understanding of the Criminal Law is so well known that she can pick it up easily.

The woman panicked and didn't hear that it took so long to sit a tire. "Nonsense, that Lin Hao hit her wife and was sentenced to three years."

"It seems that you really don't know much about the law," Xu Bohan calmly pulled out his cell phone and dialed 110 directly. "So I must send you to the police station for further study."

A woman isn't afraid of calling the police, but when he says he's going to jail for so long, she doesn't know what to do. She screams, "Why would you help her with such a woman, and a woman like her can't go to hell."

Xu Bohan frowned, and was about to speak. An Lan felt that someone had helped himself, and he couldn't let him help himself, so he rushed in front of her and said, "I am a woman like this. I have to go to hell. What am I doing crazy? "

The woman sneered, "Everyone is clear about the things you did. Many netizens don't know. Do you want me to tell them one by one?"


An Lan bowed his head. "Today there are still people shooting videos on the side, then I will confront you, yes, my sister is a junior, she did something wrong, can she do it wrong, and others can plan unscrupulously. Did she hurt her face?

This is a violation of law in law. Since it is a violation of law, you should appeal. This is also my responsibility as a lawyer. Now, few of the people around you who have done something wrong make you hate gritted teeth. Is it because she was wrong? , Can you just ignore it. "

The people watching each other looked at each other. They were very embarrassed at being punished when they acted as a junior, but at this moment, thinking about it from their own standpoint, they even felt that there was such a point.

The woman was unwilling to speak, and An Lan took a step forward, and her eyes became domineering. "As for what you said, I tried to bring Chen Juanqi to justice. Yes, I lost. If I lost, Can't I charge for it? At the time we signed the contract in black and white, I was a lawyer, not for charity, and my fees were justified. Don't make yourself seem great. "

"Did you see an begging old lady or child on the street who feels that they are poor, will you kindly see that they are giving you ten or one hundred yuan, or if someone owes you money and feels that the other person's family is not good, he will not let They paid it back, or when they went shopping on the street and saw the old lady still sell vegetables at an old age, would you give them more money, have you done that? "

The woman continued to be stinged by her long list of words.

First more.

People who eat melon: If these two people are married, they are invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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