Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1668: Do lawyer An think that my help just now is unnecessary?

Chapter 1668 Does Attorney Ann Think My Help Just Now Is Superfluous?

"Then wait for the police to come and lose money and pay for my mental loss," An Lan red lips said coldly. "You apologize to me now that everything is too late, I will give you three seconds to consider, one or two ..."

"I ... I promise," the woman's brain blurted out like a short circuit. "I apologize, I'm wrong, I'm wrong today."

"Okay, then let's negotiate the loss," An Lan started to open the calculator and calculated it in one pen. The final compensation was as high as 30,000.

"Why so many," the woman couldn't believe, "I'm just smashing your three tires."

"There are also mental damages, reputation fees, and delays in my time. I gave you a 20% discount. If you have any dissatisfaction, it doesn't matter. We go to the lawsuit. By that time, my delay will be longer and compensation costs will be more "An Lan's good-looking," "Of course I will not be responsible if I will be sent to a mental hospital."

The woman's lips narrowed, and she finally cradled her head, "Okay, 34,34, 34 ..."

"Okay, first transfer Alipay, and wait for the police to come over before I tell them we have settled," An Lan began to open his Alipay.

Xu Bohan twitched.

For her car tires, there are up to 2,000. Repairing them is equivalent to earning 28,000 in just 10 minutes.

He looked at An Lan's eyes as if he was looking at a monster. He hadn't seen a female lawyer, but he hadn't seen such a crazy one, and she wasn't as good at stealing money.

But ... it's quite different.

I don't know why, he looked at An Lan who opened Alipay under the sun to collect money.

After collecting the money, An Lan walked directly towards him, smiling, as if he had just won a lawsuit. "Judge Xu, thank you so much this time, don't you say you want to go to work in the bureau at one o'clock? , Delay you, sorry. "

"Well, I just did what I should do, but lawyer An is very powerful," Xu Bohan thinly pursed his lips. "Mr. An earns so much money for such a while, it is very enviable, so is it right? Treat yourself. "

An Lan froze, looking at Xu Bohan's bottomless eyes, she suddenly understood that although the judge looks very respected, the salary is certainly not as high as their gold medal lawyer. This is the envy of Chi Guoguo. It is understandable, but we have to eat with him again ...

"Why, does Attorney An think that my help just now is unnecessary?" Xu Bohan asked lightly.

"... Of course not," although An Lan felt that even without her, she could certainly make a siege with a mouth, but it would not be so smooth. After all, Xu Bohan first helped himself to occupy the aura and disrupted It was her heart that made her pursue.

"Okay, then I'll invite you to dinner another day," An Lan said.

"Well, I'm gone," Xu Bohan opened his long legs and started walking out.

The crowd on the sidelines watched his back whisper.

"Who is this guy, is he also a lawyer, and he feels his mouth very strong?"

"Yeah, look at the way he talked about the law just now.

"Should they not be husband and wife, or male and female friends, it's terrible. Whoever dares to mess with the two together."

"Don't worry about provoking a lawyer in the future, it's too hurtful."


Third more

(End of this chapter)

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